Saturday, October 29, 2011

Fall Ceremony

I enjoyed doing a guest post , “Five for Fall!” It was hard for me to narrow down to just five items that are may favorites for entertaining for Fall.

I am probably like most of you when it comes to Fall. I like the crispness in the air in the mornings and evening. Living in California we still have days in the 70’s so it is sometimes hard to realize, yes indeed it is officially fall.

In my own home I find myself suddenly bringing out more candles and lighting them.  We say, “The candle lighting ceremony has begun!” It usually coincides with the starting of football season on TV.

I like to use cream colored candles in the Fall. I find them to be classic additions to my home. I have  a low threshold for what appears cluttered to me so sometimes I will bring out extra candles at night time, but during the day when they are not lit I put them away to eliminate visual clutter. I know I am weird, I just prefer a well edited look.

 When nightfall occurs out come the candles and the candle lighting ceremony begins.

I even find that I like to light some of the candles on my back patio. I can see them from my kitchen and family room so it just becomes an extension of my home.

I am all about ambiance and it is very important to me that my home, “feels!” inviting. I am sure I am not alone in this effort!

The candle lighting ceremony is just one of the ways I love to make my home warm and inviting.

I have read that many of you are already having a bit of snow! That is amazing!! Are you all finding yourselves wanting to cozy up inside?

I am finding that it is something that seems to come from within for me. Even with the warm Spring like days I find that I am craving hardy meals of soups and stews. I want hot tea and cider, and of course candlelight.

Next will be the warm throws and the lighting of the fireplace! I can’t wait!!

Oh!! One more thing……… I just bought my first sweater for the season!
A simple classic jewel neckline cashmere sweater in a beautiful shade of camel. Next on the list is a cute, comfy pair of boots!!!!

Bring on the cold weather I am so ready!!!!!!!!
How about you all, what have you done to get ready for the Fall/Winter months in your home?

“Enjoy the Process!” Of:

Getting ready for the Fall and Winter season!



  1. Want some cold come to the Northeast.
    It's rainy and damp and the first snow of the season is in the forecast tonight. A snow blower is like having a shovel here. We need a plow!

  2. I am all for great candles and cozy socks and sweaters...bring it on! Have a great weekend Kathysue!

  3. I am on the lookout for boots to Kathysue! As you know, here in Vancouver it is crisp and chilly and all the leaves have turned. It is very beautiful really. I love the ideas of warming up the home with candles, nothing does it better! I love a toasty fireplace too and I'm sad that mine isn't quite working right now.

    Lovely post, hugs to you!
    Nancy xo

  4. I love all those candles and warm socks! I think Fall is just such a wonderful time of year. Loving that you got a new camel cashmere sweater! And I soooo need a new pair of boots! xo Diana

  5. I do love the warm and cozy texture of fall clothing. I'll bet you look wonderful in your new sweater!
    Have a lovely evening, Kathysue
    ~ Wendi ~

  6. How can I say this? I just do not like cold weather! I had my fill, years and years and years of living in the Northeast... and now I can't get enough of really hot weather! Even here in North Carolina, where yes, fall is beautiful, I am already missing the warmer weather. I don't like boots, or sweaters, or socks! None of it for me... Give me a simple cotton dress and sandals and I am a happy girl! Ah well, summer WILL come again!

  7. It's chilly here in GA,the candles are lit, and we're having Brunswick stew and watching the football game. Fall is here. Yay.
    Love all your ideas and photos they provide that warm cozy feeling we all love.
    Happy weekend,

  8. I am like you, Kathysue, and enjoy the ritual of turning on the lights, closing the shutters and lighting the candles each evening. I also light outdoor lanterns that I can see from my kitchen window just to enjoy the glow.

    IN so cal we dont have much of a fall either but I can smell it in the air and when the temp drops to a "chilly" 64 out come the boots, sweaters etc. I know those on the east coast laugh at us but it is all in what you are used to. Enjoy the fall...looking forward to your winterizing tips as well.

  9. Kathysue, candles and the fragrance of amber are filling my home these days and reminding me of you. I find myself lighting more candles since I returned from California, and I always think of you when I do. Miss you, actually miss you terribly. xoxo Jeanette

  10. Nothing better than a cashmere sweater! Love all of your photos...especially the one of all the feet in front of the fire. I would love to do the candle in a canning jar thing classic. Happy Sunday Kathysue!

  11. Kathysue, you just created the perfect picture of fall. I love getting cozy in the evenings, on the sofa, candles lit, and/or fireplace, warm socks and a throw! That's fall to me!!

  12. Hi Kathysue

    I love your candle ritual and I do the same and cashmere sweaters and socks (I purchased a pair of gray above the knee cashmere socks in Venice Italy 3 yrs ago and they are sheer luxury on those cold January days- yes, even here in Florida)
    Great post


  13. We had snow AND sleet today! We went to a wedding in the snow and came home in sleet and snow:( BUT, it was a beautiful wedding! I have my sweats on right now and a throw around my feet:):) It is OcSNOWber:):):)

  14. another post i did not want to come to an end! loved the wine bottles/candles, best get drinking.....

  15. Beautiful! Love the candle made from the cans! Genius and perfect for my patio.
    Thank you for sharing.

  16. Kathysue, I love candles. They make a room look pretty. Love the picture of the fireplace and the socks.

  17. Cute post Kathysue. You know I once used wine bottles as candleholders as in the top image but I think I just didn't use enough. More is definitely more!

  18. your posts and images always lift my spirits, do you know that? oh the one with the woolen socks--you're killing me, and this is a lot since i'm a summer girl!


  19. Candles are one of my favs as well. Soups and a fire in the fireplace are also top of my list!

  20. We are still pretty warm here in SoCal but you can tell that Fall is in the air - I love it! I also love the simplicity of the candles in the wine bottles in the first image!

  21. How cozy, Kathysue! I love my apple cinnamon scented candles...smell like fall! Have a great week!...hugs...Debbie

  22. Love all of your candles and I, too, have found myself lighting them around the house as the weather has gotten crisper, even in Texas! My favorite picture, though, is all those little feet in socks around the fireplace - precious photo!!!

  23. I love candles this time of year too... especially in seasonal scents! I had 3 going last night! xo


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue