Sunday, September 4, 2011

What I Will Miss About Summer

My friend Sally at Divine Distractions did a post for Labor Day where she said, “Good Bye,” to Summer.

I have to admit I am going into Fall kicking and screaming this year. Our summer this year has been so great. The temperatures have been wonderful. We  have not had the scorching days of over 100 degree temps. like we usually do so I am not quite ready to say good bye to Summer yet.
There are so many things I will miss about Summer……

There is nothing better than a frosty glass of fresh lemonade while sitting out on the patio around the pool.Except maybe a cool pitcher of ice water infused with fresh strawberries……….

I am a very lucky girl to live in an area of California where we can get fresh farm produce all year long.
I can never get my fill of what summer has to offer when it comes to fresh fruit or juicy tomatoes.

My Mom has a big cherry tree and there is nothing sweeter than a dark cherry that still  is a bit firm. You know the kind that snap when you bite into them and a burst of sweet juice rolls out. Yum!!

Then there are the peaches and nectarines!!! When they are in season there is nothing better. I love to cut up a peach and put a bit of vanilla creamer on them, it taste like melted ice cream, but with less calories. I snack on these through out the summer months.

What about a fresh picked strawberry straight from the fields?

I enjoy the long days and being able to sit out on my patio by lantern and candle light.

There are so many things I will miss about Summer....

  • Flip flops
  • Tank tops and shorts.
  • Early morning coffee on porch, while watching the sprinklers water the lawn.
  • Barbecues
  • Watching the kiddos swim in the pool.
  • Opened windows to let in the cooler morning air.
  • The bright colors of Summer, blue and white, yellows, bright pinks and lime greens.
What will you all miss about Summer?

"Enjoy the Process!"Of:

The Last Days Of Summer!!



  1. Lovely salute to Summer. I'm thinking of the thinkgs I like about summer, and I do wish I could open the windows in the morning, but in Georgia it's too hot and humid for that. How nice that you can though. We got back from the beach late Friday, and now I'm wishing I were back there. We had the best time. Love all your fruit pics and the lanterns on the patio.
    Have a great Labor Day.

  2. Me too, KathySue...Me too! xo Diana

  3. Thanks for the shout-out, KS! Everything that you love about summer, we get to have in the fall, so I guess we really like alot of the same things! Strangely enough, they are saying that we're going to have a high of 84 tomorrow!! Wow. what a welcome respite! Enjoy your holiday!

  4. You included some, actually most of my favorite things but to add a few...lobster rolls, no time schedule (the best) and long days of sunshine....yep, going to miss it a lot myself!! Heres to a great fall for all of us!

  5. Great post. I have enjoyed the fresh peaches here more than ever before. They are all just huge and so juicy. Bumper crop for sure. I must admit I'm ready for Fall...but I will miss the rhythm of summer. A bit slower and more relaxed. Loved all the pictures!

  6. I especially love the lack of routine in Summer, but we have had our share of 100+ temperatures in NC, and I am excited about a little nip in the air!!

  7. The number one thing I'll miss: Flexible bedtimes. It's nice to be able to let an evening stretch out without having to worry about getting the boys in bed.

    I'll miss so many of the things on your list, too. Thanks for sharing.

  8. I would love to live in CA. One thing I noticed when we were there was how fresh the fruits and vegetables were. The food is so much better there. Everything this way is imported w/ the exception of apples. We have the best lobster. It's always sad when summer ends but autumn is by far my very favorite time of the year so I am always so excited when there in a nip in the year! xo

  9. I will miss the fresh fruit! I am looking forward to fall though. It has been a very hot summer around here. I like when we can open the windows and let the fresh air in.

    There are many things that I love about summer, but it's nice to have a change of seasons.

  10. I feel like I didn't even have a summer this year - it seemed like it all happened in the blink of an eye. Now that I'm reading this, I feel like I missed all these wonderful summer treats. It's a good think I like fall!!

  11. DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME is first on my list of what I will miss. You mentioed alot of the other thongs. Eating outside on our deck, being surrounded by flowers and lanterns, flip flops, summer colored clothes, I could go on and on. BUT I DO love fall!!!!! XO, Pinky

  12. Me too, Kathysue...except for the first time ever it has been soooo hot here I'm ready for cooler weather. Everything here looks so delicious!

  13. Hearing you talk about missing summer gets me excited as we are about to welcome it. Spring is here and it's getting lovely and warm and the colour is bursting from the gardens. Loved reading your list, all the things I can look forward to. Summer is going to be especially exciting for us this year as we will hopefully be celebrating our first Christmas in our newly renovated house and making use of our new pool.

  14. Nothing!
    We have a had the worst summer ever! All kidding aside, I love the fresh produce.
    Looking forward to Fall.
    Have a wonderful day, Kathysue!

  15. *** Girlfriend, I enjoyed your blog alot today!!! "I", tho, am soooooooo thrilled summer is ALLLLMOST over~~~ it actually got up to 115 degrees one day, with MANNNNY, MANNNNY just "PLAIN OL' BOILING DAYS" very similar....

    Yessireebob, I am SO ready to say ADIOS to summer, & look forward to all the PRETTY FLOWERS we'll get to see & enjoy when the heat is gone!!!

    Ohhhhhh to be "back home" in California again!!!

    And Kathysue, I L*O*V*E the pic of your beauuutiful patio/balcony, lanterns, etc... Superb ambiance!!! (I, too, love "real" lamps mixed in with the hurricanes on patios, just like your balcony~~~ makes it seem soooo like a HOME n' SO COZY & WELCOMING!)...

    Best & Happy Labor Day!!!
    Linda in AZ *

  16. I feel like summer is ending a bit too soon this year since here in So. Cal we had very few hot days and they were a pleasant change from the fog and cooler than normal temps. I love sitting outdoors after the sun goes down, playing cards with friends late into the night but I am also looking forward to changing the colors in my home to warm fall tones and my grandson trick or treating. I guess each season has its joys! Lovely post!

  17. I'll miss the favorite food when they are just right. And flip flops, and less structured days for the kids. But I do love fall!

  18. I LOVE all those lanterns in that last pic! I was at lowes the other day and they had all their summer lanterns for $1.50 each!!! and do you know I passed them up!! What was I thinking!! *sigh*

  19. Where in California are you? I was just there! Can imagine it's a nice warm fall there!!

  20. I too love so many of the things you mentioned, but I'm still looking so forward to fall, it's my favorite season. I love the sights and smells of autumn. They make the transition sweet.

  21. I'm with you on enjoying what nature has to offer in the summer with fresh produce. I also love a nice cold glass of lemonade and we made a lot of lemonade this summer too which was fun. I'm with Karen though - fall is my favorite as well and I'm looking forward to seeing the leaves change, cozying up in sweaters, and everything associated with fall.

  22. I'm not ready to say good bye yet either! This has been the mildest summer that I can remember.

  23. Wow... I'm kicking and screaming w/ you! :-)

    I'm feeling the same way. Not ready to let summer go.. just yet!


    Luciane at

  24. Just wanted to say Congrats on winning the books!

  25. I love the fact that you don't have to bundle up....shorts and t shirt with sandals Makes getting dressed so easy!! I am a summer girl at heart but we have had some serious heat this year. I hope you are felling better my friend.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue