Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Emma Pillsbury’s Style Reflected In Rooms

This blog is mainly about design since that is what I did professionally for over thirty years, and that is my passion. Being a girl I have interest in other areas such as fashion, make-up and gardening to name a few. I love the way we can get inspiration from all the different aspects of our lives.

Blog hopping is another area in which I have found wonderful inspiration. I have found so many interesting blogs by hopping around from one blog to another.

Once in awhile I will find a blog on a subject other than design that catches my fancy.  I have found such a blog recently........

You have to go and see this blog.(Click Here!) The author has actual pictures of Emma and then she tells you where you can get the pieces she is wearing. If it is not the exact piece it is very close to the look.

She puts a lot of work into this blog and it is full of fun outfits and pieces. So if you love even some of what Emma wears on Glee you will looooove this blog!!!

 I remember making a comment on the clothes Emma Pillsbury wears to my hubby while watching an episode of Glee, I said, “ I know she is suppose to be prudish and a bit pent-up but I really love the way she dresses most of the time.”

 I know, I know it is not for everyone and to be honest I would probably only wear some of the pieces she wears but you must admit she has some great skirts and sweaters!!! I find the colors, textures and patterns very inspiring not only when it pertains to wardrobe, but also how it could translate to a room.

Here is just a sampling of what you will see. I am also going to put a little decorating twist to it!!!

Navy with Bright Yellow
untitled (315x425) (315x425)

4 (500x500)

Pink and Bright Yellow
4 (190x265)
2 (500x500) (500x500)
1 (256x192) 

Bright Pink with Black and White
emily clarks daughters room (446x600)

3 (500x500) (500x500)
7 decorpad (600x600)

Neutrals and Lilac
11 (550x550)

5 (500x500) (500x500)
9 (400x400)

Turquoise with Black and White
decorpad 8 (354x375)

untitled (267x400) (267x400)

6 (616x462)

Pink and White floral with Bright Yellow
3 (301x400) 

j crew floral skirt (400x250) (400x250)
What I love about fashion and Interior design is how we can get inspiration from outfits by looking at the color combinations, patterns and textures that are used in outfits we like.

If we stop and look around us, there is inspiration everywhere!!!

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Finding new blogs and new inspiration !!



  1. Glee is a must watch, and I also love a lot of what she wears. Love pencil skirts, and they tend to be a staple of her wardrobe. You came up with some terrific fashion to room pairings. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Glee is such a great show! I love how you tied this into your fabulous blog post. Great images.
    Have a wonderful Wednesday!
    E + J

  3. Such a fun post! Love all of the examples, each one was so perfect together!

  4. Glee is one of my never-miss shows and I love Emma's clothes. I actually own a pink sweater almost identical to the one you showed here. I usually wear it with jeans, I never even thought about pairing it with a skirt a' la Emma Pillsbury.

    Fun post.

  5. Kathysue, you are so good at this... you should do these more often! I would buy just about everything you posted... those cardis are beyond adorable. You know I LOVE this post! xo

  6. What a cute idea.....I love the shoes :)

  7. What a fun the pairings!!

  8. This IS a fun post and so wonderfully put together! XO, Pinky

  9. Okay, I'll admit it, I've never seen the show...but I'm hoping over to the blog! :)

  10. Such an awesome post Kathysue! I love seeing fashion mixed with interiors. Love it all!
    Nancy xo

  11. Very fun post Miss Kathysue!
    I need to get caught up with Good Life of Design. I have a feeling I've been missing out...
    Too busy and missing my best buddy.
    Hope all is well in your world.
    I'll call soon...

  12. HOw fun Kathysue! YOu have paired up fashion and decor beautifully. I think this is brilliant. Now off to check out What Emma would wear!

  13. OMG - Love, love, love Emma and her clothes! And this post had me smiling at the title. What great room and fashion selections - I'm actually wearing the pink sweater with flowers (second outfit) right now!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue