Thursday, January 6, 2011

Black and White Will Make It Right!!

I know that this is a design blog, but from time to time I like to do a post or two on wardrobe and make-up.

After all, it all has to do with making something or someone look better, Right?
If you like basic, classic pieces in your wardrobe with a pinch of fun I think you will like this post.

Last night I was going through a little catalog that I got in the mail and I  loved almost every single piece in it. That never happens to me.
Everything was based on using black,white and beige as a neutral base for your wardrobe.

I am like everyone else and have been doing that for years, but there was something about this grouping that spoke to me.
All the pieces you are about to see come out of the White House Black Market New Arrival flyer.

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I love every single piece!
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You didn’t think I would leave room design totally out of this post did you?

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I am a lot shorter than this model and wellll, a lot wider too. I would make sure that this skirt hit just right above my knee to be more age appropriate! I love the studding detail and I think this would make a wonderful addition to any wardrobe. The shoes are adorable!!

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Be still my heart!!! This is so ME!!!

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Martha Stewart

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I love this over sized purse with the patent handles. I think I would carry this for years. I know leopard is huge now, but I have had touches of leopard in my wardrobe forever!!! That is why I can be sure I would carry it for a looooong time!
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I am not sure that you can see that this darling trench has very tiny black polka dots. Love This!!!!
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Martha Stewart

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Another darling shirtwaist dress. I would not wear an ankle strap shoe with this, but if my legs were this long I sure would.
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Fun and casual. Love the jacket and top with white pants. I would not wear the shoes because I think it is too Smatchy( that means it matches so much it smacks you in the face! Another one of my made-up words!)
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Better Homes And Gardens

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For a real casual look I think this shearling coat with it’s feminine ruffle is darling!!

If I were going to add quite a few new pieces to my wardrobe, I think I would have to add all of the above.
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I hope you have enjoyed this little diversion from Home Interiors to Wardrobe?

 (well almost, I had to add some rooms I couldn't help myself.) 
Looking at all of these clothes is making me think of my closet, which needs to be purged and reconfigured. Oh My!! See how my mind works? It is kind of scary isn’t it? Does your mind work that way too? Always thinking about the home front?

“ Enjoy the Process” Of:

Looking at clothes in hopes of getting a new wardrobe!!


To Help With  Organizing Your Closet:

Be sure to sign up for the Container store giveaway HERE!


  1. Kathysue, yes, I love the clothes, but the rooms you added -- gorgeous. What a great post. I've always shopped their store, and believe it or not, have never bought anything! Every time I've gone in with high hopes and come out empty handed. I think, in part, because the store itself doesn't excite me -- I don't think the atmosphere makes me want to buy. Weird. I also get overwhelmed by everything in the same colors! I should just shop the photos. This was a great, super creative post, thanks!

  2. Kathy, White House Black Market has some awesome pieces, huh? Love your match ups! Wish you were closer, I would say let's hit White House Black Market!! xo

  3. Its no surprise Im a huge fan of black and white. Really enjoyed this post.

    Mr. Goodwill Hunting

  4. Such a fun post! (I'm so surprised you chose black and white :-) ). I haven't shopped White House Black Market in a while - might have to check it out. Love that trench coat!

  5. I love the black and white rooms - so chic! xx

  6. I really need a few new pieces for my wardrobe. I plan on shopping this weekend. I have a couple of gift certificates that are burning a hole in my pocket. Love all the pieces you chose. They look fabulous. Hugs, Marty

  7. What a fun post and I loved all of the clothes! I am a fan of animal prints so I really swooned over the handbag. Love the shirtdresses too. Thanks

  8. Dearest Kathysue,

    It is funny to see the black & white in fashion always survive. When I studied Fashion Design in the late 60s it was there and you can trace it all through the decades. I'm lucky with the ability to shop at our U.S. #1 Premium Outlet in Woodbury Common, New York My size 4 stays on the racks most of the time till they do their 60% off and even I've snatched 80% sales. Chanel, Burberry, La Perla, MaxMara, Salvatore Ferragamo and the likes are up for grabs. Their quality holds up very well, especially when dry cleaned by the Couture Cleaners.
    Enjoy your picks!

    Mariette's Back to Basics

  9. Have a look at this: In the Pink: Lightness & grace will be this year's password for elegance

    Mariette's Back to Basics

  10. Hi KS!
    Belated Happy New
    Year's wishes.
    I'm still down
    {but not out!}
    with the flu but
    am finally able
    to catch up on
    a few e-mails and
    blogs. Love all
    the dresses here
    from B&W; just
    wish they were
    longer. I'm a
    smidge over 5'10",
    so you can imagine
    how short they
    would be on me!
    I'm off to see
    what else I've
    missed whilst in
    my fog....
    Happy Day!
    xx Suzanne

  11. What a pretty post, Kathysue! I love black and white and I know those are yur signature colors! Loved seeing your fridgescape, too! Now I have to get to unorganized at my house! Hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie

  12. I love the classic combination of B & W in both decor and wardrobe. The biggest plus is that you can add color and accessories for a new look.

  13. Is there any better color combination than black & white?? Love it!!

    Happy Thursday Dear!

    Oh, and have entered my EmersonMade GIVEAWAY yet?

  14. Great clothes indeed, I love the white jacket and the studded skirt. I have WAYYYY too many clothes as is, I even had a rule that if I brought in a new piece, it had to take the place of another piece of clothing. It worked for a while. But in all honesty, I finally feel like I have a perfect wardrobe, only problem is to decide between all the lovelies!

    xo Linda

  15. I love all of those classic looks!

  16. Oh yes! I love all of them, anything black and white is good for my wardrobe. I just wish I was as tall and skinny as the model. I hope you are enjoying 2011 so far, KathySue....Christine

  17. Fabulous post Kathysue. I really love every outfit and every room. Looks like I need to go shopping!

  18. Kathysue, thanks so much for your lovely comment. I really appreciate your thinking of me.

    Yep, you can't go wrong with B&W!

    love to you! donna

  19. All so chic and classic with just the right amount of panache! Just like your interiors!!!
    xoxo elizabeth

  20. I love the studded skirt, but rarely wear one these days. I am the girl in the jeans and the ruffled jacket. I only wish I looked like that or was that young, but that is my style!

  21. Those clothing pieces all work together...I love everything you selected. I felt like I just went window shopping...ha! while reading a great design magazine.
    Mary Ann

  22. Everything I own is either black or white, but mostly black. And I need to purge my closet too. Thanks for the inspiration Kathysue. Love black and white! ~Delores

  23. One of my favorite stores. I should have known that you would love it too! LOVE that trench coat. Now, I just need to find a job where I could actually wear those clothes LOL Hugs, Kat


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue