Friday, April 23, 2010

Outdoor Curtains or Bust!!

Design New England
I did a post on Sunday about working on my front porch. I did some sprucing up and  some Spring cleaning. I am looking to spruce it up a bit more.
I have wanted to put an outdoor curtain on my front porch for quite awhile and just never got around to it. I have saved pictures of outdoor curtains being used on patios, pergolas and the like. I finally am going to take the plunge and do it. You all know how much I love black and white awnings, right? Well, I don’t have it in my budget right now to do that, however, I can buy 3 yards of black and white striped fabric to make a curtain for my porch. I have a great fabric store close to where I live called, Home Fabrics where they sale oodles of designer fabrics including outdoor fabrics at amazing prices. I wound up getting just a cotton stripe because it is softer than what they had in the outdoor fabrics. I thought it would hang more nicely. I got it for $5.99 a yd for 54” goods. Pretty cool!! Here is the fabric……….
I have a few pictures of outdoor curtains to show you what has been inspiring me………
In a perfect world I only wish!!
Oh My Goodness! This is unbelievable.
Curtains and Chinese lanterns.
Amazing lanterns and furniture. Although the chairs do not look very comfy, do they?
You can see I have plenty of inspiration! Now for the funny part. Well, it is actually not very funny- maybe a bit odd. I don’t sew!! I know how to sew, but it has been years and I don't have a sewing machine. I am going to attempt to make these panels with that iron-on tape. I will let you know how it goes. If I am lucky and it works I will have pictures to show of my finished results. Wish me Luck!! Have any of you used the iron-on tape for any of your projects? Let me know how it worked for you in a comment.
“ Enjoy the Process” Of: Making a NO-Sew project, Yikes!!