Friday, August 6, 2010

They Say Timing Is Everything!!

I want these sconces so badly!! What is it that they say? Timing is everything . Right now is just not the right time, but Oh how I wish it was because these would be paid for and on their way to my house. They would look so pretty in my Living Room which is what I like to call, "Understated Elegance." I think that describes these sconces perfectly!
Winchester Mirrored Sconce
Winchester Mirrored Sconce by Hudson Valley Lighting
12 1/2in.wide by 20in. high
finish: aged brass
being sold On One Kings Lane
$494 On Sale for $159
Can you feel my pain?


  1. I do feel your pain. Kathysue, that is an awesome deal even though they are probably sold by now. I have bought a few things on there. I try not to look when they send me an email and then I do and next thing I know I have ordered something.

  2. I heard from a client this week that they were having a huge sale. That's an awesome deal, but timing IS everything :)
    xoxo Pattie

  3. Hey, when he hands you the card and says go for not pass go, keep it rolling and have those sconces on their way! Today!

  4. Ouch, those are gorgeous and it would be impossible for me to pass this up. (I am the master at justification.)

  5. Those sconces are beautiful Kathysue! And what a deal!

  6. So beautiful but I have to agree....the timing always has to be right. (Remind me that next time I purchase fabric for a "someday" project!) Have a great weekend.

  7. Don't you have a birthday or something coming up that warrents a gift to you!? I know you have been working crazy hard around the house...I hope you find a way to treat yourself...they are so beautiful!!!

  8. At tht price and discount I would start taking up a collection! Might just want to bite the bullet because you know you will love them forever. And who needs to eat anyway?

  9. I agree these would look beautiful in your gorgeous house. Order them, my friend!

  10. Oh no...I think you NEED them! Are you sure you want to let them pass you by?!

    I think I hear them calling your name...


  11. Oh, pretty and such a great sale price. Hmm...this is when I'd be making excuses for why I had to have them now!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue