Saturday, May 15, 2010

Painting has been done

For those of you have been following along with me on my Little Sweeties Project here. I thought you might like to see the Fun and Bright colors she chose. As I shared with you she found this room as her inspiration
This room was designed by the talented, Judith Balis of Nest Interiors. I was very excited to see her inspiration picture because it has a black and white stripe on the sofa and that is one of my all time favorite patterns. I was equally excited that she wanted my guidance along the way.  After talking to her at length I came up with a color story.  The living room was going to be a very bright fresh turquoise . Off of the living room is the dining room which will be a darker value of the same turquoise used in the living room.  She wanted a bright yellow in her kitchen so we are going to introduce the yellow by using 3 art glass vases on the dining room table. You can read more about it here. The hallways and two of the bedrooms are in a white, one will be an office and the other will be a guest room. She wanted her bedroom to be romantic so I suggested a dusty lavender.

She did her homework, got her swatches and sample paints. She painted the sample colors on poster board and then she and her darling hubby made their choices.  I only guided her along the way she made the final decision.  I can not tell you how perfect these colors are for her. She is young, fun and full of life and so are her color choices.  This has been so fun for me to work with her. So without further ado here are my Little Sweeties final choices ……………

Living room31371_1288778176624_1145294489_30681149_2396861_n[1]
The living room will have the IKEA Ektorp white slip covered sofa with the striped rug from IKEA in black and white. All end tables are going to be a shiny black finish. The coffee table will be painted in shiny white to make it look lacquered. In the bay window these two chairs will sit next to a round black table……
24524_1282166811344_1145294489_30669850_966000_n[1] (258x453)
The legs will be painted a shiny black. She and her sweet Hubby did this together.  It is the first time that they covered a chair. I think they did a great job. I am very proud of them. She got each chair for $10 on Craig's list. The total project cost them $30. Now that is what I call ingenuity and working on a budget!!
This room has amazing light coming from the bay window and two side windows flanking a fireplace. Aren’t the old fir wood floors wonderful. Nothing has patina like older wooden floors. Next is the dining room….

Dining Room
The dining room is done in a darker value of the living room color. It is almost a peacock blue.  I love the richness of this color.  In this room they will have their dining room table which I have not seen, but she explained it to me as having a somewhat silverish finish, (Is that a word, silverish, it is now, I guess).  She had a large mirror that I have suggested painting a bright silver and a low storage piece that was a wood tone that I suggested painting white. I have not seen any of this yet. All of this has been done via emails and cell phones. On the dining room table they will have 3 bright yellow vases as shown in this picture to introduce the bright yellow in the kitchen……….
I even like the print behind the vases. These will introduce you too this……
The kitchen is a bright light filled room. Most of it has white cupboards so the pop of the bright yellow is fun!
Now we will go down the hallway and enter into the romantic Master bedroom with its dusty lavender walls…………
In this room they have a dark brown sleigh bed and they will use this bedding…………
Contempo 300TC Cotton Sateen Duvet Set: online bargain shopping from
Won’t this look amazing. I have suggested Hotel sheets with the black stitching. She would like a pop of turquoise so I suggested maybe the night stands would be fun in that color.
Now you have seen what my Little Sweetie and her hubby have been doing.
I  hope you have: “Enjoyed seeing the Process unfold.”


  1. Such bright and cheerful rooms. Obviously they are not afraid of color. I think this is going to look fabulous for a young modern fun couple. You are the best and always have such wonderful suggestions. I can't wait to see more. How's your chair coming along? Hugs, Marty

  2. WOW! Kathysue what a gorgeous and amazing home decor' style! I just love everything about it. Great job!

    Have a great weekend. ~Melissa :)

  3. Kathysue, this is so much fun watching this all come together. I love all the color choices. Her yellow kitchen looks like my yellow cabinet. This is going to be the cutest house when you get through helping them with it. Looking forward to the finale!

  4. Oh I love these colors! Coming together!

  5. Great choices! Obviously made for them! I hope she continues to send on the pictures- and I ADORE the bedding!
    xoxo Pattie

  6. Pretty walls, KathySue. I can't wait to see them all with the furniture! She couldn't have picked a better decorating guide.....Christine

  7. Very nice, bright and cheery. Look forward to seeing more!

    Giveaway by Beth Cosner Design is up on my site....come visit!

    Art by Karena

  8. LOVE her color choices! Can not wait to see everyhing all done and put together! How exciting. yes, they did a great jovb on the pink chair. keep the pictures coming!!!

  9. darn ... there goes my theory of neutrals ..

  10. I love the turquoise in the living room and that inspiration picture is great - totally doable and totally liveable.

  11. This is so fun seeing the progress! I love the brit colours. And I REALLY love that artichoke pendant bin their dining room. All together it's going to be a great look!

  12. I adore that first striped lounge!! xx

  13. So great to see the inspiration images come to fruition here, the execution is right on the money! The light fixture in the dining room is gorgeous!!!

  14. Wow, Kathysue! So fun and young! Love all the color! I am a big chicken in that department...spent months studying very similar shades of medium green, as I am sure you remember. I know she must appreciate your help. I can't wait to see the end result...fabulous! Happy weekend...hugs...Debbie

  15. This is going to be great! I love their color choices, especially the dining room. And I adore that light fixture. Can't wait to see what this looks like when it's all pulled together. She sure knew who to call for advice! Hugs, Kat

  16. Loving it! Great blues, can't wait to see the finished product!

  17. Kathysue, that is so cool. Yes we are kindred spirits indeed.

  18. Love a client that is not afraid to use color. Her inspiration room is one of my favorites - Can't wait to see the finished product.

  19. So so pretty..I do love colour..xoxo Thanks for sharing.

  20. It is fun to see this in the execution phase...what a vibrant and fun place for a young couple.

  21. Love those colors together! So young and fresh. The dining room is a great shade. Reminds me of Carrie's apartment in the Sex and the City movie.
    Thanks for stopping by my books and chairs post today! Yes, I designed my new header a couple of weeks ago and I'm much happier with it. Thanks for noticing!

  22. Gorgeous!! Thanks for the tip on the paint, I've been using it and it is working very nice but yes it's pretty strong! I spraypaint everthing outside. I hope your enjoying your day!

  23. I love all of this! They're doing a beautiful job and I'm all about color myself. Can't wait to see the finished projects. Congrats to them!

    Brightest blessings,

  24. Great fun going on here! I especially love the blue in the Dining Room. She's one lucky sweetie to have you holding her hand!!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue