Wednesday, May 12, 2010


#26231 Clip Art Graphic Of A Sick Desktop Computer Cartoon Character With A Virus Sitting With A Pack On His Head And A Thermometer In His Mouth by toons4biz
I’ve got the fever!! Not that kind of fever but Spring Fever. Do you? I find my mind spinning from one project to the next. I wish I had some of Santa’s elves to get them all done. Seriously for some reason, (it just might be blogging, you think?), I want to do more and more things around the house. Not big projects, but little things that I have put on the back burner forever. I find I am going from the inside of my house to the outside back to the inside and then to my wardrobe and make-up,Yikes!!

I really need to quit looking at the DIY blogs. It is actually making me think I can spray paint and, trust me, I can not. I know that sounds lame, but I am a  horrible painter. I am the girl with the vision not the "doer."  When I say, “ I know what WE can do!” my hubby retorts with, “ Where is the YOU in WE?” Sound familiar? He does have a point!

So far I have worked on and finished my front porch. I have now gone into the living room and tried my hand at refinishing and recovering an antique rocker and spray painting two very ornate gold frames in a high gloss white. If they turn out I promise to do a post. I have gone from the front yard to the back yard to plant flowers. Now, I am thinking about cushions for the back yard, Yikes!! It makes me tired just thinking about it.

So I was just wondering whether or not you have , “The Fever?”  Sorry! I know you are humming the song aren’t you? " FEVER, in the morning Fever in the noon day light, Fever!, I’ve got the fever,hmmm, hmmm through the night." I know now you will be humming all day!!
What are the symptoms that you have from getting ,”Spring Fever?”
“ Enjoy the Process” Of: The craziness of Spring Fever!!


  1. Oh damn Kathysue I am not going to get that song out of my head for days! I have autumn fever and have just started on a gigantic clean and throwout! See you soon

  2. Kathsue,
    This made me laugh!!! And...oh yes I can relate. Plus when I'm working on a client's project, I am so mentally spent, thinking about my own house gets pushed way back!

  3. Hi Kathysue! Thank your for the long and lovely comment with the DECORATING LESSONS that you left me, yesterday! I cut and pasted it into a Word document so that I will have it to refer to. I MOST definitely know what you are talking about. I want to squeeze so much into the day that I am up at 5AM on most to try and get some writing done and glean ideas from other blogs before my family is up and at 'em and needing my attention. I am stalled on the color spot for my great room and the wheels are spinning {your fault--HA!}. I also need to go through my fall/winter stuff in the closet and make room for summer. {I just wedged spring in there after coming home from Palm Springs over spring break!} I have a friend who says that she either has to get a puppy or a job because the days stretch out so long for her, every day. I SO CANNOT RELATE to that point of view. For me, the days aren't long enough. Here's to spring fever! xx P&H

  4. Oh do I get this!!! I am so behind that it still feels like Halloween was yesterday!! Every time I go through a room in our house, my mental checklist of projects starts running. S-i-g-h....maybe it's time for a vacation? :)
    xoxo Pattie

  5. Hi Kathysue,
    I keep the fever! I think it does have to do with blogging! My head is usually spinning with all the beautiful rooms and projects that we share everyday.

    Love that drapery fabric.


  6. ... oh I've got it alright ... but alas the weather feels like FALL fever

    weather schmeather

  7. Hi Kathysue! I think I have bloggy fever! I see so many projects that I want to try that I nearly drive myself crazy! I need another house to decorate! lol I loved your mantel post...especially the cobalt blue, of course, and those bubbly orbs on the books! Have a great week!...hugs...Debbie

  8. Cute post. Yes, you know I always have the fever. I think it's from being retired now and having more time to see things as they are, and yes from blogging and seeing all the wonderful rooms and projects. I can't wait to see the chair and mirrors. Love you and hope you are having a super day. Hugs, Marty

  9. Yes, it's killing me! I got up at 5am to go running today and I had to get something out of the garage and saw my latest project staring at me. For a brief second I thought, wow, I could spend an hour on that right now, without any interruptions. Luckily my better judgement got me out on the pavement running...but it was tempting!

  10. Kathysue, that is so funny. I was already thinking of that son as soon as I read your title. I know I keep finding and thinking of projects to do around here. My husband said I don't need to paint every piece of furniture in this house! He is so silly.... of course not. Just a lot of I do blame it on all these darn creative bloggers and their DIY creations. I definitely have the fever!

    Take two advil and start the next project!!

  11. I don't have that type of Spring Fever... I think it's because I have so much going on with Chris about to graduate...
    I love it though... it's one fever that I look forward to!! I love projects, it's so satisfying especially when they are DIY's. And speaking of DIY's I cannot wait to see yours!! Hurry up!!!
    Love you,

  12. I have the opposite problem...I just can't get motivated at all! I'm so enjoying the warmer weather and our house is at a point where I feel like the major stuff is finished and though it needs work, we're so enjoying finally being all settled in it's hard to start a project. And side note, keep me away from spray paint. We are not friends...

  13. Reading design blogs DEFINITELY gives me an itch to do stuff around the house -- IMMEDIATELY. And, alas, my schedule rarely permits me to really just kick around and get stuff done. And when it does, I'm often forced to do the less fun, but more important, items on my lengthy to-do list (e.g., fence painting...which has taken us THREE weekends to complete).

  14. yes! I keep this fever! I'm so inspired by other's blogs but have so little time to do things....what shall we do?

  15. Projects, projects: so many and so little time! I agree that blogging has uncovered so... many things one can do around the house. But then again, blogging in itself is so time consuming! Where do the hours go?

  16. i have the fever lately of being a lazy slacker. not the kind of fever i want. i want the productivity fever!

  17. I LIVE with the fever!!:) Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter I am trying to redo, make things prettier, change out things for the seasons, you get the is a SICKNESS alright! Following all the design blogs doesn't help either. I do have to say,though, that I ahve a WONDERFUL husband who can do ANYTHING and is usually ready and willing to do all kinds of projects around the house for me!!!!! I am BLESSED!!!! XO, Pinky

  18. After scoring some great finds at the Brunschwig and Fils warehouse sale last week, I have lots items to wallpaper...linen closets, bedroom closet, pantry, etc. I have spring fever and want spruce up everything and finish my long list of to-do's!

  19. Clearly, the blogosphere is the most inspiring place to be. I'm having trouble getting ANYTHING done because I'm on the computer all day!! You've completed some great projects, but I think you're going to have to move or go back to work to use all the creativity you've got stored up. Take a chill break, go get a mindless novel and go sit on the beach!

  20. white lamps , will make the home and office ,and will attract many of the people for it.
    fancy Lamps


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue