Tuesday, April 13, 2010


When I did the post on being brave one of the rooms I wish I was brave enough to do was an all white room. In looking at all white rooms something emerged. I saw the shapes,scale,and proportion of the design. Not just the patterns,color and the style.  I thought it might be fun to do a black and white image post to see what rooms are more appealing to me when they are void of color.
I find it so interesting when an image is black and white I notice the outline of the piece more. Do you? The scale and proportion are more evident. Let’s try a few more.
All the furniture is very straight lined in this room. I notice the sculptural affect of each piece do you?
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I am amazed how much more the shape of all the pieces stand out. This is a good study for me. I don’t know about you but I am loving how each piece takes on a new life. Nothing is joined by color or even pattern to my eye. It is all about shape,scale and proportion.
When I compare the colored images I notice the textures and patterns more. In the black and white images I am getting a better sense of each individual piece in the room. I just find this so interesting.
I think when an image is black and white my eye stops at each individual piece.
I had fun doing a comparison of how my eye sees a room in black and white versus colored images. Did they look different to your eye? I know I am a detailed person but they truly look very different to me and I was amazed at what emerged in the black and whites. I think I should try this with some rooms in my own home. What do you think?
“Enjoy the Process”, Of: Making new discoveries in design.


  1. Great comparison Kathysue. It's true- without the "distraction" of color, each piece becomes something more
    xoxo Pattie

  2. Really interesting, this is something I've been discovering with photography also. Alot of times the most basic scene actually "pops" more in mono. The first room in particular really stands out in B&W. Great post Kathysue. Hugs, Kat

  3. Kathysue, I am glad you made this discovery and shared it. You are so right. I even find myself looking at the black and white photo longer and looking over each piece instead of glancing at the picture as a whole.

  4. very very interesting!!! as a kid i always thought that people back in the 1910's-130's SAW everything in black & white...(b/c the movies were filmed in black & white) and would be like "isn't it great that people coudl start seeing in colour in the 1950's??" funny now to think about that

  5. You do look at things differently depending upon color or lack thereof. I am one that loves color though...it feels more calming to me. Great post! BTW, passed along the Happy 101 award to you.

  6. Great study kathysue! Very interesting...going to have another spin at it!

  7. You're definitely on to something here Kathysue. I'm going to try it with a few of my problem rooms at home and see what stands out at me.
    Great post!!

  8. Kathysue - Thanks for your comment and I agree - that's why I love estate sales - I have gotten the best of buys and all in all - thingsre just that aren't they? Jennifer

  9. what an interesting way to look at these pictures! I like!

  10. I would never have thought to do that, but I can see that I am more drawn to certain rooms than others when color is left out of the equation. I tend to be hooked by neutral rooms with a lot of architectural detail. Fascinating.

  11. Awesome post, Kathysue. I forwarded it over to my other designers to study. I think it is so important to "see" the room as it is without being swept away by the color....which often happens. It's fun to see great design in its skeletal form. Again, great lesson. Thanks for taking such an intelligent approach.
    Love you!!!

  12. Very interesting Kathysue! I felt the b & w rooms were lifeless. Seeing the color version of the b & w room made me feel "better" - like something was missing before. It is a great way to force one self to look at other elements of design though.

  13. Hi, Kathysue! You always have the prettiest pics over here. I think I like the color ones the best though. That's just me.

    Thanks for the kudos on the stair project. I'm so glad it's over & I really am loving it too. On to the next one! :)

  14. This was so interesting. I did notice each thing in the room when I was looking at the b/w photos. laurie

  15. This is such a great illustration of learning to train your eye. Thanks! Funnily enough, I like some of the pics best in black and white... perhaps I'll copy the decor style, but not the color!

  16. That was a very interesting exercise!!
    You always come up with such interesting concepts!!
    Thanks for getting me to look at things differently!!

  17. Very interesting study! Gorgeous photos! Thanks for your lovely comment! As for the black fence, we are very happy with it...not too difficult to keep clean! Tracey xx

  18. Great post, so interesting. Have a sweet day!

  19. I love your blog site. You have such beautiful images on it.

  20. such a brilliant, beautiful and creatively clever mind you have my love. this was a fun read. never really thought about that before.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue