Monday, September 30, 2019

 It’s been awhile and a lot has happened in my life.
For those of you who want to catch up with me please feel free to follow me on Facebook to catch up. You can do that at the end of this post by clicking on the green “f” 

I don’t want  my blog to become a place for my grieving. I need a safe place to come and enjoy my passion which is inspiring others in making their homes, lives and themselves the best they can be at this time in their lives 

Hopefully this is okay with all of you faithful readers, if your still out there.  

With that being said are you ready for some Fall inspiration?
 Today I’ll  show you my Fall look in my great room .......

I actually used some neutrals which is unusual for me. The impetus for going neutral was the leopard pillow. That pillow was my jumping off point. From that point I knew my color scheme would be black and whit blue and white and a tan or linen color. 
With that in mind I needed a combiner element which turned out to be the beautiful, heavily embroidered pillow which I found at Homegoods.