Friday, October 26, 2018


  Hello, remember me!? I'm still around and I will be checking in via the blog once in awhile. Today felt like a good day to reach out! For those that stay in touch with me via Facebook and mail, thank you for caring enough to send me emails and private messages. It sure is nice to think I am being thought of and missed.


Kathy Perdue
Find me on Pinterest at sue/ or at Poshmark .....

You can also find me on instagram here.... if you are so inclined.

It is that time of year when I start purging my closet, planting flowers for the upcoming holidays, start browsing for Christmas gifts, and ideas and making my own plans for how I want to decorate our Holiday home.

Our weather here in California is still warm during the days but cool mornings and evenings. Still warm enough for just a cardigan or light weight sweatshirt to keep warm. I love this time of year. I purged my closet and put away most of my summer clothes, but have to admit I am sitting here in flip flops and could have on shorts and be pretty comfy.

I have fun revisiting my closet and cashmere sweaters. It's like meeting up with an old friend each year.

We have out a few white pumpkins and of course Mums on our porch. I've switched out my great room pillows to their fall look and the mantel has some cute little white pumpkins lined up in a row.

Yesterday I planted the cyclamen and ornamental cabbage out back, soon I will be planting them in the front too. 

We are enjoying our walks around the neighborhood and it was fun seeing the grapes and the harvest. The grapevines are turning beautiful colors of golds to reds.

This time of year always gets my mind spinning in different directions, but trust me I don't rush. I am more of a planner, enjoy the process kind of gal. I hope you all are enjoying your fall and pre-holiday time too.