Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Catching Up With Kathysue!

Time has been marching on, what seems to be a very fast pace around here. I have missed writing my blog post so today I decided enough of this, it's time to write again.

I am not sure where to begin so this post might be full of randomness. Here we go.....

When I left you last I was deciding on my pillows for Spring. The decisions have been made and the pillows are now in the room.

I can not tell you how much we love the PINK in our home. So much so we purchased some bouganvillea to sit outside the windows so you can see the color in the background.

This is the one you can see right behind the sofa as you look into the room.

See it peeking in the window. I had the green pillow out until the last pillow came in....

This pillow seems to be a favorite of a lot of people in my life.

I am a firm believer of making the inside and outside flow nicely together so I even furthered this thinking with adding some black and white striped curtains to my outside patio.



We love seeing this through the windows.
This girl loves her black and white stripes!

We got a new piece of art. We both are in love with this piece. It just fits our home and US!!

When I saw it, it just spoke to me and drew me in. That's how art is suppose to be so it had to be in our home!!

We have done a little Spring planting....

All of these wound up in here.......

There have been other things going on called LIFE and all is well.

Playing a little catch up for now!! Thank you for being so patient with me and for those of you whom have checked in on me I really appreciate you caring enough to reach out.

Cheers to more blog post!!!