Thursday, March 22, 2018

It's SPRING and I'm In The PINK!!


I am at it again!! It is that time of year for me to look at how I can brighten up my great room for Spring. Fabric samples have arrived and I am definitely going to be making some final decisions soon.

Of course sometimes there are snags in our plans and there was in mine when I found out the fabric I wanted to combine all the colors is no longer available ANYWHERE!! Sigh, ugh. Now onto plan B!

Here are some of the samples I am looking at getting, excluding the upper left from Studio McGee, "no longer available!"

In the past I have tried to add pink but it just was not working for me. I found that I need a brighter pink in my room for it to look like ME!! It's important to always stay true yourself when decorating your home.

I actually have two of these fabrics in other colors ways so I know I love the patterns.

Here are last years Spring pillows, the blue Chinoiserie pattern and the green feather looking pattern are the same patterns I have for my new selections but only in pink.

My next step is to find the right combinations to put in my great room. Yes, I take lots of time to plan it all out, but that is what designing is, making a workable plan for the homeowners home/room and making it come to fruition. Without planning expensive mistakes can happen. Why settle on something just because you can get it NOW. Take your time and.......