Friday, October 20, 2017

Coming Up For Air

As you have all probably noticed there has not been much blogging going on in my life lately. A lot has been going on and it is all good, but it did require my full attention.

Recently we moved my wonderful, loving, caring, 85 year old mother closer to us. She is only about 5 minutes away from me now. I am so happy to have her close enough that I can go and visit and have coffee chats with her and take her shopping.

Good bye,  sweet little yellow house you have been so good to our family. It all started years ago with my grandparents. I ran through the sprinklers in the backyard with my cousins. My boys hit golf balls and played catch here, My grandchildren played in the backyard and dug a hole in the garden as if they were digging their way to China. We ate cherries,pomegranates picked lemons and oranges. We will be forever grateful to you little yellow house.

Life is a marvelous journey with twist and turns but it is always moving forward and that is a good thing and as it should be.

We are yet again starting a somewhat new journey with having Mom closer to us. I am beginning to feel like a professional mover since this is the third moving process in the last two years. However I will say I hope and pray there will not be anymore moving anytime soon.

Fall has arrived here and the mornings are cool and crisp and that is a welcomed sight as well. I am trying to get myself back into a new routine and hope to be back to blogging on a semi-regular schedule.

Thank you to all of you who continue to read and follow along with me and my journey in life, I so appreciate you taking the time to read my words.