Sunday, September 17, 2017

Fall Changes Have Started In My Greatroom!!


The weather has actually shown a few signs of Fall in the air!! I know we are looking forward to a bit cooler temps since we all seem to have had some unusually hot days around here.

I could not resist putting out the new pillow covers for my Fall changes. So a few days ago I began.....

 I kept the sofa simple without too much pattern other than the gold faux bois. The pillow on the left is actually an indigo velvet even though it looks almost black in this image. Blue and Gold are the colors of Fall for me this year!

The reason I kept the sofa pillows subtle in pattern is because the main star of the pillows for fall is this fabric....

A nice deep indigo background seemed perfect for my room. I love a good Chinoiserie and this one just felt right to me. This one fabric created the mood, style and color scheme for the room. I like to call elements that have this quality a combiner fabric or combiner element, because it pulls everything together. Without it the room would not make sense......

You will also notice I added a nice nubby throw to the ottoman that continues pulling together the colors in the room in a subtle manner. There is no gold in this piece, that would have been one step to far towards contrived, IMHO.

I especially love how this pattern looks in my black bobbin chair.

 It's interesting how the room changes a bit in the night time lighting. The golds become warmer the blues become a bit moodier. It all makes me feel warm and cozy, just the look I wanted for the upcoming cooler months.

In the upcoming weeks I will be adding a few more touches. Maybe a touch of wheat to bring out the gold and some eucalyptus as a nice contrast with it's soft green, and of course the white and blue/green pumpkins that always say FALL to me.

 Love this time of year and all of it's beauty it has to offer.  Remember to always.......