Wednesday, November 16, 2016

It's Time To Make Your Thanksgiving Day Menu!!


Yes it is that time again and today was the day I planned my Thanksgiving dinner. 

If you are like me you have been doing Thanksgiving dinners for what seems like forever. 

We all have a method that seems to work for us. Over the years I have learned a few things that make my day a bit easier.

I just read two blog post that I found very helpful, and even had a couple of ideas I have not done in the past that I will use this year. 

I could write a how-to post, but to be honest I think these two blog post will really be helpful to the novice or the veteran Thanksgiving day planner.

The first article is for the novice, but trust me it is still good to read, it reminded me that I need carrots on my grocery list. We are never too old to be reminded or learn new things.

This was a great article with pictures to show you just what to do!!

This next article has some wonderful tips on how to make your Thanksgiving day a little easier and smooth running. I found it very helpful. 

A lot of what was written about I already do, but there were a couple of things I have not done in the past. Like making my gravy ahead of time and freezing it. 

Gravy takes for ever to make and it is the last thing I do so this will be a HUGE time saver for me. Lots of good reminders in this article.

I am also going to get out my cooler and empty out my refrigerator so I have plenty of room.

Of course you will have to plan your own menu and design your own table, but getting the logistics down is more than half the battle.

I love perusing Pinterest for recipes and new ideas for my Holiday dinners.If you are in need of some ideas you can go to my Holiday Food board by clicking 

I am "Enjoying The Process!" Of:
Planning my Thanksgiving day meal!!