Tuesday, August 16, 2016

15 Minutes Of Effort = 3-4 Days of Joy & Smiles

  (spice rack re-purposed to use as a vase in my kitchen)

Sometimes we think we can only get pleasure in our homes out of things that take us a great deal of effort to accomplish.

There is a little Monday morning ritual that I do that brings me so much pleasure, and it seriously only takes me about 15 minutes to accomplish.

 (previous homes breakfast bar)

I call it Simple flowers!

 (Vintage French perfume lab vials. You can read the story behind these fun vials HERE!)

 ( this is the guest bathroom in our previous home)

(One simple pansy and fern on a tray set up for my coffee bar for guest)

Here is how I do my 15 min. little ritual......

First I go outside and pick some of my pretty white roses and fern. I then take the four little vases I have sitting in various spots in my home and add fresh water and line them up to receive their pretty blooms.

See nothing fancy going on here, just easy and simple.

 Each little vase gets some pretty blooms.

Each little vase gets placed in it's own special spot in my home. Now for the fun part, we get to enjoy them for at least 3-4 days!

I told you it was easy!!

Now for those of you who don't have roses, or any blooms in your yard. I bet you have some bushes with greenery on them!!

Good tip to remember!
My DIL taught me this years ago. ( Thanks Amy!) She kept it simple and easy, and yet it felt so special in her home. A sprig of greenery in a little vase can look so fresh!!

 Vintage blue bottles with a simple sprig of fern. This is a picture from our kitchen window in our previous home.

This is one of my all time favorite images found on Pinterest and it inspired my use of the little vintage blue bottles and fern in my previous homes kitchen window.

It doesn't have to be fern to be pretty!

 I am positive that ALL of you 
can do this!!

If you feel like you would like a little more inspiration just click on link below and go to my Pinterest board, appropriately called.....