Thursday, January 28, 2016

The First Step To Take Before Decorating Your Home!


Let's Get In Touch With What YOU Truly LOVE!!!

Making an Informative Vignette!

I know all of you out in blogland are very creative when it comes to making a vignette.  I have seen many lovely and fun vignettes in my travels throughout blogland. 
Today I am not talking about a decorative type of vignette. I am talking about an....
 "Informative Vignette" 
An informative vignette is something that I  would have  my clients do as part of their design consult. This is a tool that has helped me and my clients really get in touch with what they will truly love in their homes.

Are you ready to make you own...
"Informative Vignette"
  • First, and this step is very important, I want you to clear your mind of any of the ideas that you have previously thought about for your existing home. We are trying to get to the real core of you style.
  •  Now, think of five items you have had for more than five years that you absolutely love.  It can be an accessory from your home, a dish from your cupboard, or even an old favorite sweater or a pair of shoes. 
  • Put all of these things in an open clear spot in your home, now step back. What do you see?  Look at the colors, textures, styles, overall theme or feeling? 
  • These are the elements that you need to have in your home to make your home, Truly YOUR'S. 
If you want to take this step a little further go to pinterest, or instagram, and pull together some of the favorite rooms you have saved. 

Do the same thing when you look at these rooms. Look for the colors, textures, styles and over all feel or theme of the room. Make a list of what you love in these rooms.
Once you have a list of elements then you can start pulling together a room that you will love. 

Shop your own home to see just how many of the elements you might already own. These elements could be living in another part of the house. 

Don't be afraid of using them in a different room, you might be very surprised at well you like them in their new environment.

It is very important that you are really honest with yourself in the process of pulling your items together.
Sometimes we talk ourselves into maybe the latest trend or something we have seen in a friend's home.

BTW: Throughout this post I have posted images that are my all time favorite rooms. If you look at each picture with keeping the elements of:
1. Color
2. Texture
3. Overall style, theme or feel of room
I bet you could analyze the elements I would need in my room in order to make me love my home.

My goal for myself and for YOU is to have you really understand your own personal style. I hope this little exercise will help you in discovering the true YOU for your home.
Now go and have fun with this, and see what you discover about yourself, be open and honest or it won't work!

You can go to my All Time Favorite pin board to see more of what I TRULY LOVE HERE! 


Saturday, January 23, 2016

Do You Have The In-Betweens?


Have you ever heard of the, “In-Betweens?” 

This is the name I have given the time right after Christmas, and right before we finally get our mojo back and start reorganizing our entire life from top to bottom, with full intention of making great and wonderful changes!!

Symptoms that may occur:

  • Feeling tired.
  • No ambition to do anything.
  • Lack of excitement or enthusiasm.
  • The need to stay home and cuddle up with a blanket.
  • When looking around one’s home, nothing looks right.
  • Feeling the need for a whole transformation of one’s home.
  • Nothing seems to inspire you.
  • Avoid looking in the mirror.
Do any of these sound familiar?

I think we all get this little malady this time of year, and if you don’t I want some of what you are taking!!!

Possible Remedy:
Yesterday I came up with a little saying that seemed to fit for the day…….

I think it will fit and be helpful to just about anything you apply it too.

Like yesterday for instance….. I wanted to do a whole lot of nothing, but instead I did some things I should do.

Nothing earth shattering!!

I scrubbed down my kitchen counters, cupboards and stove. Rode a little bit on the recumbent bike. I even went to the Doctor, and got a flu shot before the flu got me.

For myself, I have found the more I do, the more I will do. The less I do, the less I do. Funny how that works.

Anyhow, I just thought I would share this with you because it totally worked for me.

Instead of trying to conquer the world in a day, just start out by doing something you know you should do, and I am sure it will breed more activity, and you will be moving forward, and making some kind of progress.

Try It, I think you will like it!!!


Monday, January 18, 2016

Lessons Our New House is Teaching Us


Three months ago we got the keys to our new home, we moved in at the end of November.  

Time is flying by and going through the Holidays here was so fun. With the new year here, it is time to get back to work!

I have committed to go through one box a day. I still have boxes of STUFF! Nothing that we truly need just a lot of little pretties, and accessories.

Space is limited so I have to be reasonable about what I keep, which is hard for me. 

I have a lot of really pretty accessories and some are antiques or vintage. I am trying very hard to get into the mind set of, " it's just STUFF!" 

We all know that STUFF clutters our lives and minds so why do we hold onto so much. I know, how much, is relative to each individual, however with limited space the house is telling me how much STUFF I can, or should keep.

The house is telling me lots of things, as I knew it would as time went by. 

One of the messages I am beginning to hear loud and clear is this house does not require a lot of accessories. 

It does require larger pieces that make a statement, but this is a less is more house for sure.

I love the wide open space, tall ceilings and all the great light that comes in through the windows. 

We have lots and lots of windows and not a lot of wall space so what ever I put on a wall needs to make a statement.

When we first moved in we literally had things pretty well set up within the first three days. The move went seamlessly, then there was the Holidays so now is the first time I feel like I have had time to really play house, and I have been taking time to listen to what our new home is telling me.

Of course I have some big plans for the future, but for right now I am just trying to make it feel like OUR home. I realize we will do things in stages so I am moving slowly and cautiously.


I have moved a few things around, only to put them right back where they were originally. It is all trial and error. I have what I call the, "First thing in the morning test."

If you love something first thing in the morning when your mind is clear then you will love it long term, but if it feels a bit off, or you are compelled to tweak it, chances are it is not right.

This week we made a few changes. Our dining room shutters were installed!




I took down the pagoda wreath even though it really does work for winter time. I found a mirror I had forgotten all about so we tried it there and it worked.

We use to have this mirror in our guest room years ago.

 I like the shine and sparkle it adds to this area.

Changes Are In The Air
The initial plans I have for this area involve paint. I have had this Queen Anne low boy for over 30 years. It is cherry wood and a classic shape. I have a bend towards traditional, however I like to freshen it up a bit.

There are plans in the works to paint this piece. Actually I have had plans to paint it even before we moved here.

Once we placed it in the dining room and it seemed to work nicely I knew it HAD to be painted. With the wood floors, chairs and the low boy it is just waaaaay to much wood for my liking.

Here are a few examples of what I have in mind for this low boy....

 This is a piece in Tobi Fairley's entry hall. Her piece is also a classic piece and she updated it by painting it black and white. Now it looks fresh and fun.

Another classic piece, this time painted a fun cobalt blue. This color would also work in our space.

This piece shows all black with just a white outline around the drawers.

These are the three options I have in mind.

With every change you need to consider other things other than just the one piece.

How will this piece relate to other pieces in the room?

With this thought in place I need to think further down the road.

For instance I also want my Windsor chairs painted black.....

This is one my all time favorite rooms and the inspiration for painting my Windsor chairs black with a wood table.

Speaking of tables I will also be using a full length tablecloth on my dining table. It is a look I love, and have become accustomed too.

This is where I could add color and/or pattern.

Here are a few table coverings that have caught my eye.

 This first one is just fun!! It is also one of my favorite patterns. It would marry well to the rug in the adjacent family room.....

 My reluctance with the striped cloth, is it too much of a good thing?

 I could also add a bit more blue since there will be so much black and white, and I do like the horizontal direction of this blue striped fabric.

I go back and forth in my mind so I know I have not found the perfect combination yet, but I am getting close.

With a new home I am finding I am feeling as if anything I do here is FINAL since it is my retirement home. I have to get away from thinking this way, it is putting way too much pressure on me to make the perfect decision.

No matter how many homes we have or how many years  you have been designing or decorating you will always be on the learning curve. One of the many, many things I love about design.

Stay tuned, I will keep you posted on my decision, and how I finally came to make the decision.