Friday, September 11, 2015

I Have Something For You To Read!


Happy Friday !
Are you ready to do a little blog hopping?

Today I am over at Design Chic doing a guest post!

Can you guess what it might be about?

Be sure to go and find out and let them know Kathysue sent you!!


While you are there take a look around on their blog, I promise you will be so inspired by the beautiful images and information presented. They also have a shop of elegant and classic pieces.

beth kristy photo
Kristy and her Mom, Beth are co-authors of their blog, and they are true Southern ladies, warm, welcoming and elegant in their style and design.

kristy 3

One last thing Kristy wrote a book  too! Yes, she is beautiful, has impeccable taste, is a designer, and an author…..

You can purchase it HERE!

Now go over there, and see what I wrote about!!

Color, Color, Color