Saturday, July 18, 2015

New House Update!!


Things are progressing at a very nice pace at our new home, and this week they made more progress that we could see. 

When they are inside doing the electrical, and plumbing you don’t see the progress, but when you see boards going up, and your home change right before your eyes it is pretty exciting.

This week they started the siding on our home!!

When I chose this elevation it was because it had siding, and  had a cottage look to it. Cottages have always been my preferred style home for my taste. 

We were so very fortunate that one of the 3 elevations that we had to choose from had a cottage feel too it.

Since our home is surrounded by grape vineyards, and hills they seem to choose wine related names, or places where grapes are grown. Our elevation is called the Napa…..

Mallorca elevation Napa
This is a rendering of our home, but our home has the garage on the right side. I am showing you this to point out some of the details.

Notice the gable over the entrance, and how it has the vertical boards, like board and batten? Remember those boards, and how they look as we proceed.

Our home will be a different color. The siding will be a pretty blue/gray/green (I love colors that you have to use more than one word to describe it) with white trim and black shutters and door……

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House color is Tilting by Frazee paints.


To say I was excited about this option is an understatement, this was my first choice and I felt so fortunate that it was offered for our elevation. 

Since we live in California, and around grape vineyards the Mediterranean style homes seem to reign, as nice as they are, they are just not for me personally, so you can imagine how delighted I was to get my sweet little cottage elevation.

Okay! now I have you set up to look at some raw wood on my home, don’t forget the vertical boards because those little puppies are what I am thrilled about on the façade of my home.

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SEE!!! I have siding, and trim is being installed all around my windows!!! 

To say we are excited is truly an understatement. The horizontal board that is at the base of the vertical boards will also be painted white which will break up this wall and give our new home some cottage charm.

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I can’t look at it enough!!!This really puts a big ‘ol smile on my face!! 

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The side of the garage, plus my cute hubby, a little added bonus for your viewing pleasure!
Winking smile
You can really see the definition  of the siding, and boards on this side of the house.

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The trim pieces are on the front so next week they will probably do the siding on the front too. It is really taking shape!

You can also see the tiles stacked up on the roof, they are a really pretty gray tile which compliments the color scheme of the house……

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We also received some exciting news this week as well. They moved our move-in date UP!!! It looks like we will be calling this home the end of Sept. beginning of October!!!