Tuesday, March 10, 2015

What I Have Been Up To Lately!

The past week was a fun one for me. You see it was our 45th Anniversary, and my sweet husband took me away for a few days to my favorite place………

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For special occasions like anniversaries, and birthdays we like to stay in Carmel Highlands at the Tickle Pink Inn. It is peaceful, restful, and has this million dollar view from our balcony.

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We almost always stay in our room on the balcony and watch the wildlife around us and the gorgeous changing colors of the water and the sky. It truly is a romantic, restful place to stay.

(this is actually a round window that frames this gorgeous view in the stairwell to our room.)

We both can not believe we have been married for 45 years, the time sure has flown by.
Doug&Kathy 002_thumb[16]
So young and so in love!

We might not be young anymore, but we are more in love with each other with each passing year!

tancredi and Morgen
On our way out of Carmel we did stop by a favorite shop of mine, Tancredi and Morgen in Carmel Valley.

The owner was changing her displays out, getting ready for Easter. She does an amazing job, and it always looks different every time I visit. They travel to Europe twice a year to purchase beautiful pieces for their shop.

Soon to come down was this darling display of pig-cutting boards.

tancredi and morgan
I thought this was such a clever display, all shapes, and sizes. The entire wall behind the counter was painted a flat black with the warm wood cutting boards, a perfect contrast.

When we got home it was time to make my final decision on the four different blue fabrics for my Spring pillows….

Ribbet collage Spring pillow Stars
One of these four blue fabrics was about to become the star of the Spring pillow choices. You can read about my selection process  Here and Here.

And the Oscar goes to….

This fabric is Thibaut’s South Sea pattern from their Resort collection. It is the purest cobalt, and it just is so right for my room. It sure feels good to have made this decision.

I am still waiting for some more yellow fabric samples, and once that decision is made I can move forward with my other pillow choices.

Ribbet collage The contenders spring pillows family room
In one of my previous post I mentioned a plot twist with the addition of a possible new chair in the family room. Well, there has been another……

Ribbet Edit PLOT TWIST
You see I was all settled on getting this chair, because it was the style I had always wanted, the color of the frame would work in my room, all I needed was the right fabric, so I sent away for some samples…..

As hard as I tried to convince myself that this would work, I knew in my heart I was making a compromise on a piece that I would not be getting again. 

I proceeded to tell my hubby I was NOT going to get this particular chair, because the chair I really had my heart set on was a black framed bobbin chair with white upholstery. He thought I was being a bit silly to decline a perfectly beautiful chair.

You see dear readers, I will wait for years to get what I truly want, and in the end it has paid off for me. Of course you have to be patient, and hold onto your dream, and just be happy thinking about the possibility..

I said there is a plot twist and there is!!!

On our anniversary, my husband nonchalantly said, “ You need to get this chair thing figured out!” Of course I was taken aback since I had already told him I would wait.

So my reply was, “What chair!” He told me the bobbin chair, and then I reminded him of my decision on waiting until it would fit into our budget better. He then told me we could do it now!!!  


I was beside myself with excitement! This is a chair I have dreamed about having for years, and now I was actually going to get one.

I immediately started searching by looking at the many bobbin chairs I had pinned.

In my looking I wound up on Ethan Allen’s site. I have made purchases from Ethan Allen before, and I am very familiar with their quality so I knew if they had one it would be of good quality ,and maybe a bit out of my price range, BUT!!!! they had one and it was on sale!!! Are you kidding me!!!

I can pick the color of the frame and the upholstery, cushion type, etc. 


So dear readers today my sweet husband, and I are taking a trip to Ethan Allen, and ordering our chair!!!

Ethan Allen Brant chair
The Ethan Allen Brant Chair, soon to be mine!!
I have one more thing to tell you!!

I have two Ikea chairs in my family room with an ottoman…

The legs on the ottoman just don’t suit the room, so I thought I would change it up a bit, and order some new legs online.

I did a lot of searching, I knew the basic shape I wanted, and I knew no matter what finish they came in I would be painting them black.

The perfect shape legs have been found, ordered, delivered, and soon to be painted black!!


This is what I have been up to lately!! 

Spring is here in California, and we are enjoying the beautiful weather. Time to get our nest in order and bring new life to our homes!