Thursday, May 15, 2014

Antiquing In Beaufort South Carolina


I have been MIA because we are on vacation in South Carolina having the time of our lives.

While staying in Hilton Head we took a ride to Beaufort South Carolina to see this charming little port town.

We so enjoyed our day and of course I had to go into a few antique stores.

I was on the hunt for something in particular...
We had looked at other places, and no one seemed to have any plain white platters. There were lots and lots of  patterned platters, but I wanted a plain white one.
We Found one!!!

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The owner of the store guessed that is was dated from the turn of the century.

I looked up the markings and this particular marking was used from 1987-1930.

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The edges have a nice in and out curving design. It also has an ever so slight embossing on the outer edge that you can not see in the picture.

We had such a fun day strolling up and down the streets. 

We also found a fun art gallery owned by the Rhett family. We picked up a few small framed  watercolors painted by Nancy and William Rhett.....

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This one and it’s partner will be hung in our den.

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I love that each water color depicts the low country surroundings, and the beautiful old live oaks with the Spanish moss hanging from their branches. I learned that the moss is actually in the pineapple family, who knew?

We saw some beautiful old southern homes built in the typical two storied porch style. 

I was told by my friend Deb who is from Georgia they had two porches to catch  any breeze that might be blowing. They also were built with higher foundations for any flooding that might occur….

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Notice how close the balusters are together. This is a Grande home with beautiful columns.

The picket fence is a favorite of mine as well as the Haint blue porch ceiling. ( They believed that this blue would keep away evil spirits/Haints.

Hanging lanterns also add to the charm of this lovely Southern lady.

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The jasmine is blooming in the South and smells heavenly.

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This is a picture of the live oaks that surround Beaufort. 

I was told that if the branches touch the ground they are called angel wings. 

You can see the Spanish moss draped on all the branches. It just adds to the romance and charm of the South.

We also saw a lot of the open spaced brick fences. I wonder if this style was built so the flood waters would go through the fence without knocking it over. Hmmmm? Does anyone know?

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I fell in love with this gorgeous iron fence. You can see the name of the street and the address above the medallion.

We tried Southern food for lunch at a darling place called Plum’s. I had shrimp salad and my hubby had a fried catfish sandwich. Of course I had sweet tea, I am addicted to this stuff!!!

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This was the view that we had from the outdoor eating area.

In the distance you can see some brick pillars. They hold swing benches so we had our dessert out there, swinging away and eating our Gelato!!

We find the people in the South so warm and charming. 

In fact my very quiet husband commented on how he feels free to talk to people here and have a conversation. For those that know him, they know that is unusual for him to strike up a conversation with anyone, especially a stranger.

Another lovely day in the South.