Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Something We Can All DO In Our Homes


Ribbet Edit sUBTITLE

Ribbet Editwork with what you can get now

I promised in my last post that I would tell you what the 3rd list is, that will help you love the home you live in now.

Before I show you what it is I want you all to remember back when you lived with your parents, and you could not wait to have your own apartment.

Then you got an apartment and you couldn’t wait to rent a house. After that came the wishing, and hoping for home ownership.

For most of us those dreams have become a reality . 

I am not saying to not continue dreaming, I think I made that quite clear in my last post, but I am saying, “Enjoy the Home you live in now.”

When I hear people say if I only had my dream home I would do……….. 

I say Why wait?

Today we are going to look at our reality square in the face, and I want you to make a new list……..

Ribbet Edit Can Do

I know this will be hard for some you because you have convinced yourself that where you are living now is not your dream house so why try.

This way of thinking will only cultivate more unhappiness so let’s switch it up a bit with a new way of thinking.

First you will have to be realistic with your limitations as far as financial, and if you are renting what can be done with minimal repairs before moving.

I can remember when there was very little monies left for anything other than the needs in life. 

I remember looking at the Family circle magazine while in line at the grocery store and putting the 19 cent magazine back because that 19 cents could go towards a loaf of bread. 

Yes, we have all had hard times, but even with hard times you can make your environment more pleasing.

After you evaluate how much money and freedom you have to do something to your home the next step  will cost you nothing but time and energy.

Ribbet Edit clean up

It is impossible to see the possibilities when looking through eyes clouded by existing clutter. I know this is not the fun part, but it is one of the most important parts in this whole process.

Now take a look around at your room start making a list of things you CAN DO!!

I think you might be surprised at what you will come up with for your list.

This list should contain things you would like to change in the room. 

Don’t worry I am not going to leave you hanging there holding a list. 

In my next post I am going to share some ideas with you. These will be some ideas that you will be able to do, so get ready with your list!!! 

I am going to be giving you a little homework assignment in my next post, but it will be fun. I promise