Saturday, February 1, 2014

Saturday Sayings


During the week I pin certain sayings that I think make very good points. 

You know the kind of thing you read, and it makes you take pause. Sometimes it can just be a good reminder to align our thought processes in a more positive vein.

Here are a few sayings that made me take pause…….

As I have become older, and wiser, I find this to be so true. I remember my Mom use to say, “Pretty IS as Pretty Does.” I use to get so tired of that little saying that still rings in my head, but now I understand it so much better, and it is so very true.

I loved this list. Speaking doing, “PRETTY!” I think this encompasses so many key points to not only work on, but to teach the younger generations.
We have lost that gentile manner of behavior in our society, and I for one think we need to get some of it back.

Sometimes I can be a Pollyanna because I like to look on the good side of life. I have something that will back up my way of thinking, and with this I wish you all a wonderful weekend full of lovely thoughts.

For more inspirational sayings and quotes go to my Pinterest boards by clicking HERE!