Wednesday, January 15, 2014



Ribbet Edit Pillows

In the world of a designer or a home decorator.

Ribbet Edit PILLOWS2

You are trying to store them all!


Storage boxes are one solution, but they usually  will only hold four pillows in each box, so it really takes up a lot of storage space.

I am in the midst of cleaning, and organizing my garage so I have been on the hunt for storage solutions, because this gal won’t be getting rid of her decorative pillows anytime soon. 

In fact if I am being honest I will probably be adding a few more for the different seasons.

I have found two solutions that seem reasonable to me, and won’t take up as much space as boxes.


Pillow storage
This is one of those ides I thought, “Now why didn’t I think of this?”

I also like these  soft containers from the Container store!

Outdoor Cushion Storage Bag these would also be great for all the extra decorative pillows, and bedding.

They are made to hold outdoor cushions. I like their portability, and that you can see through them for $9.99 this is a great deal!!

Pillow storage1
This 18 in square bag would be good for the smaller pillows. Only $6.99 at the container store.

Wish me luck I am about to go into the dreaded garage and get Alllllllll of my pillows just to see how many I have!

Any guesses on how many Kathysue has?

I would love to hear how you store your extra pillows.