Friday, November 9, 2012

Taking Your Holiday Table OVER-THE-TOP!!


I promised you all more ideas for your Holiday tables, and I am a girl that keeps her promises!!!

Today I thought we would explore more special additions for your table.

You know! The kind of ideas that take your table over the top, and will leave all of your guest thinking you most likely have a close relationship with none-other than Martha Stewart herself!!

This is obviously an ice cream scoop, but this could easily apply to your silverware. I love the simple knot that is tied around the scoop. Much more classic than a bow.

Visualize this napkin in a dark brown with a Fall leaf in front of it, or a red napkin with a piece of holly or pine in front of it. See how you can tweak an idea and make it applicable to the occasion you are celebrating?

Speaking of napkins check out this next line-up!………

This would definitely take your table over the top!

This is actually off of my last year’s table. I love the criss-crossing of the silverware. Notice I tied a knot, not a bow. I also used double-faced satin ribbon. I learned that from Martha! She and I are tight like that!!!

This is last years Easter table, but could easily change into a Thanksgiving or Christmas table. 

Just think of a flower for the season, and for Thanksgiving add a nut in the spoon instead of an egg, and for Christmas a tiny ornament, Voila! you now have an appropriate setting for the season!!

How about dressing up your chairs a bit!! Easy to do with a place mat, or a runner, just tack on some ties,  and use the color of your choice, and you have something that looks special. 

The little skirt for the seat would require some sewing skills ( probably not happening in my lifetime) so you could skip that part, but the little top dressing would be fun to do!


If you are having buffet style this is a perfect way to stack your plates with a little decorative, and colorful accent.

Source: via Kathy Sue on Pinterest

Ladies, notice No bows, just a simple knot!

(You might notice I keep saying no bows!? I feel when it is a small area like around a napkin a knot looks best, unless it is for a little girls birthday or baby shower. IMHO! But if you like a bow, TIE AWAY!)

Another fun buffet idea for your silverware. You could use coffee beans, split peas, black-eyed peas, you get the idea!


For a minimal, nature inspired table this simple twig is the answer for you, and your guest!!


I ♥♥♥ this idea. You know how you will sometimes see a single lonely, but beautiful lid at the Thrift stores? Well, now you have a use for them.(they also look really great in a group on the wall.) They serve as a perfect place to attach a name card for each place-setting!

You have to admit this is ADORABLE!!

Speaking of ADORABLE, check out this little mini terrarium…

This could also be given to each of your guest as a take-home!!

This is from my Easter table, but I wanted to show you the cute napkin belts that my Mom made for me.

An easy DIY, just buy the loop kit at the fabric store and hand stich them to a ribbon of your choice. 

I can use these for Christmas too since they are green. Next I want some black and white striped belts!!
The fun thing about writing a post like this, is I get inspired all over again. I love this time of year and look forward to the time we get to spend with our loved ones.

So if you want to take your table over the top, just use one of these fun ideas!!

Happy Tablescaping!!

Next post will be about FOOD!!