Thursday, November 8, 2012

Ideas For Holiday Napkins and Silverware!!

Today’s post is going to give you all some  ideas for the little extra’s on your Holiday table.

Fun ideas for your napkins, silverware!!!

My friend Melinda did this wonderful place card and napkin folding for a Fall country wedding.

This  is serving two functions. A napkin holder and a place card. Can you just imagine the wonderful fragrance from the cinnamon sticks and rosemary!

A Thankful chain telling your guest you are thankful for each and every one of them!

I know we all can’t help but think of the Thanksgiving Day wishbone, and Martha Stewart has a DIY project to make your very own wishbone napkins.

Speaking of napkins I thought these paper beverage napkins from Crate and Barrel are very nice looking. Love the simple font used, and it is a good reminder to be thankful.

Always easy to do spray painted mini-pumpkins with a slice in the stem to hold a pretty name card.

Source: via Kathy Sue on Pinterest

A nice gesture for your guest would be to write a little personal note to each guest from the hostess. I really love this idea. I am not sure what it says on the tag in the image, but I would write a note to each of my guest.

Burlap webbing with vintage rhinestone pins. Such a pretty idea and the webbing also come with red so it would be suitable for Christmas as well.

Another easy-to-do DIY project.

Source: via Kathy Sue on Pinterest

Keep coming back I have some more fun ideas to show you for your Holiday tables.

I just love this time of year, don't you?!!!!