Saturday, September 22, 2012

♥♥♥ In Love In PARIS♥♥♥

They call Paris the city of LOVE, and to be here with the love of my life is beyond wonderful.

In Paris there is a special bridge for people in love called…..

“The Love-Lock Bridge.”
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On this bridge lovers place a lock on the chain link part of the bridge, and then they throw the key in the Seine river.

Since this trip was to celebrate my hubby’s retirement he took the lock off of his tool box that he had used for years at his job.

I asked him to write me a little love note on our lock……..

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 Oh how I love this man!!!
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I have already told you what a romantic I am so this was right up my alley!

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Putting our lock on the fence.

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He wants to marry me! AGAIN!! He always makes me cry.

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Of course I say, “YES!” Even after 42 years!

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Throwing our key into the Seine.

♥♥♥Love from Paris!♥♥♥