Monday, July 30, 2012



6 (550x550)

The big debate is going on in my mind. Decisions need to be made about what to do for accents around the bed.

I am a lover of light so a mirror has always been in the picture. In my previous set-up I had two mirrors on the bed wall, one on each side of the bed above the night stands.

 Right side

Left side

I love these mirrors, and would gladly use them again, but they are a bit under scale for the size of the bed.

The other dilemma is one nightstand is a bachelor chest which is wider than the nightstand on the left so the spacing on the wall is different.

I love symmetry so the new spacing is a bit more obvious that it is different because of the width of the King bed vs. the old Queen bed.

This made me look at some new options…………

I absolutely adore  this room, and the round mirror above the bed is perfection. Notice the scale of the lamps! They are a good proportion for the size of the bed.

Don’t you think most people’s lamps on their night stands are too small? I really noticed that when I started looking around.

This is one of my favorite looks for a master bedroom. It is designed by none other than Phoebe Howard, who can do no wrong in my eyes.

Love the reading lights peeking out of the bed curtains. She also used lamps! The more light the better for me!!!

The only problem with this look, is it is a bit more formal than the relaxed look I am going for.

This is another good example of lamps being in scale with the bed. Love the mirror above the headboard. What a handsome room.

This is the actual catalog image from Ethan Allen of my bed. They chose to do a center mirror above the headboard too.

With this new look in mind, I went looking for some round mirrors that could possibly work……..




(More rustic than the others but interesting!)



I am sure I will find other options, but I think these are all good choices.

I had my hubby bring in a round mirror from my family room to see how it would look, and as he is hauling it down the hall to the bedroom he announces………

“I can tell you right now I am NOT sleeping with a mirror above my head! If we had an earthquake it would kill us!”

He is not willing to die for good design?

It looks as if Kathysue  has some mighty big convincing to do!!

Just for the sake of What-ifs??? Which mirror do you  like the best????