Friday, July 13, 2012

A Letter To My REaders

Dear Readers,

For those of you that have followed along my journey on this blog you know that we recently lost a loved one in our family.

As we all do in our families we all pulled together, and helped out where the help was needed.

In the helping process I have been away from my home for a month. We would come back for a couple of days, and then go back to help out my Mom.

I would not do it any other way and I am so thankful to have a Mom to help. I am also thankful that I could be there to help her during this difficult time.

During this whole process I really missed being in my own home.

I never realized how much of a grounding force our homes can be. I feel like when I am here I breathe easier, relax more, and just feel comforted.

I am back now! I will still be spending time at Mom’s, but not for long periods of time like this past month.
Please be patient with me as I try to get back on board, and back to normal. I hope to be posting more regularly than I have lately.

I can not tell you how much it has meant to me to hear from you all. Your comments, and emails have meant so much to me during this difficult time.

So many lessons in life to be learned, and taught. The one resounding lesson in my own personal life is that God will be there in our time of need. I continually saw his hand in all the matters, and decisions that we as a family had to make. 

When I say thank you for your prayers, I truly mean it. I felt them surrounding me at the most difficult times.

Blogging is a wonderful part of my life, and I have made it a fun part of my everyday life. I have missed being able to visit your blogs as much as I would like.


Now I know first hand what, “Home Is Where The Heart Is!” My heart is definitely HERE in my little California Suburban Ranch!!

Glad to be back,
xo Kathysue