Friday, July 6, 2012

10 Summer Outfits To Help You Stay Cool!


What to wear when it is so blasted hot that you truly would rather be in as little clothing as possible but that might not be quite appropriate for all occasions?

I like to stay cool, and to look fresh in the summer months always trying to stay stylish, and age appropriate, not showing too much skin, if you know what I mean? 

There are just certain sights people should not be viewing!!!

TEN Must Haves For A Cool Summer Wardrobe

White jeans, white skirts and walking shorts are staples in my wardrobe for the summer, but once-in-awhile I like to wear a cute maxi -dress, or  maxi-skirt.

Here is a line-up of some  outfits I have pinned for inspiration. 

Some are perfect as they are, and others need to be a bit longer, or not as tight for me………

A long sheer skirt, and crisp white blouse is a cool alternative to long pants in the summer. Love the wide leather belt, and the simple gold flip-flops with this outfit.

If it is black, and white I am so THERE!!! A simple tunic with white walking shorts, and simple flip-flops is a classic summer staple.

Instead of white shorts a cute white skirt is just as cool, and comfy. Love the ribbon belt with the striped top.

Leave it to Ralph Lauren to pull together a simple, but chic shirtwaist dress, and make it look current, and fresh.

Simple chevron skirt, white t-shirt, and classic denim jacket  become fun when accented with a statement necklace in a cool turquoise. Brown sandals are a must!!

A classic denim shirt when placed with white walking shorts, and cute striped cardigan can become a classic summer staple in your wardrobe.

I would not normally wear a strapless dress, but with a little denim jacket this would make a darling going shopping, or going to a barbecue  outfit. Love the pop of yellow!


As I mentioned in my first paragraph some of these outfits would need to be a bit longer for me, and these are examples of that very statement! 

Love the combinations and would wear each outfit, if and only if the bottoms were longer!! Can you say, “Age Appropriate?!”

I have a few essentials I need to get to complete my summer wardrobe:

1. brown sandals
2. gold sandals
3. denim shirt
4. white light weight cardigan

What do you need to add to your summer wardrobe to make it more complete?

Enjoy your summer
Stay cool and fashionable!!