Thursday, July 5, 2012

How About A Little Black and White For Your Day?!


It is no secret I ♥♥♥ black and white. I have used it as an accent in my home for years, and I don’t think I will ever quit using it in my own personal design.

If I see something in black and white I will almost always stop to see what it is, and how I could apply it in my home.

I love touches of black and white, but I also have a secret desire to paint a room all black with white moldings…..

My use of black and white is a little more light handed….

The entry and guest bathroom flooring is black and white marble.

In the guest bathroom is where you will see the most black and white in my home…….

Even the exterior of my home has a light touch of black and white……..

I used a black and white  awning stripe as a curtain to accent my small porch area.

In the striped dining room I chose to use black in the chandelier, pedestals and the monograms on the chair covers.

As you can see my home is decorated in Spring-like colors, but I still chose to ground it with a touch of black and white.

I use black picture frames, and I also use some black accents in decorative items such as lighting……

Black and white will always be a favorite of mine. If you are afraid to use it as a major player in your home, use it as I have, and use it with a light touch.

If you would like to see more black and white inspiration you can go to my Pinterest boards and get lots of ideas on how to use black and white! Just click on the words below!