Tuesday, May 1, 2012

My Favorite Quick Fix

Fresh Produce 010 (488x800)


Are you in the mood for a change in your home? Me Too!!!

Sometimes we need to think about making small changes instead of major changes to our homes.

Even a small change can make us feel inspired, and give us a whole new outlook.

Coffee Bar 008 (600x800)

It doesn’t have to be elaborate to be appealing, or to make a difference.
Bringing in some fresh flowers, or greenery is just one way that can make a room feel more inviting, and happy.


Simple flower arrangements are my quick fix!

How I do it!!

  • Determine which rooms will you and/or your guest be in the most.

  • Look in the room and see where you eye goes first. This is the place you will put your fresh flowers.
  •  Remember these are small, simple arrangements   so they need an area they can call their own.

  • Decide what color will make that area pop!

    Now for the fun part!

    Look in your yard to see if you have any pretty greenery that could be added to a small vase.


    A few small flowers are all that are needed, just pick two or three little flowers.


    Next time you go to the grocery store, pick up a small bunch of flowers. I prefer all of one type or color, it seems to make more of a statement for the least amount of effort.

     Need a little Sparkle in your life!?

    Add some sequins to the water!!

    “I Don’t Have Any Pretty Vases!”

    Not to worry!! You can use anything to put flowers in! Look in your cupboards. You will be surprised how your options will open up!!!!

    A common gravy boat can look amazing with sweet violas placed inside.

     So Whether you choose:


     Two Blooms

     Three Blooms

     No Blooms At All

    You  still can add a little prettiness to your home today!!

    Now get a pair of scissors, and go out into your yard and start cutting!

    Here is What I did for myself:

    “Enjoy the Process” Of:

    Using what you have to make your home a little more lovely!!

    BTW: I just realized today is May Day!!
    Another reason to add  a little bouquet of loveliness to your home today!


    Sorry for the spacing in this post!! Blogger was a problem child today!!