Saturday, April 21, 2012

Great Ideas To Ponder On A Saturday

Saturdays are a perfect day to get some great ideas to try over the weekend.

I am going to do this post a little bit differently than I have done  some of my other post. I am going to try and break them down into categories…..

Health And Beauty:

Skin Care

I love make-up and I really try to look the best to my ability(Notice I am prefacing this with the ability card?!) I am also a self confessed product junky!

Once in awhile I find a product that I am sold on and I have to share it with my readers…..

I am beyond thrilled to have found out about this product. I have very dry skin, and I have been using La Mer for years. I will not say La Mer doesn’t work, because it is the best moisturizer I have ever found for my skin.

Howeve,r it is beyond expensive, and I have tried for several years to find a substitute. I finally have.

 The Eucerin product is sold in France, not the US yet. I found an online source that imports it so we can now purchase it.

I have used this for about 3 weeks and my skin feels moist all day, and it looks dewy, and at my age that is a real plus!!

I highly recommend this product. Just click HERE! to go to their website, you won't be sorry!


I recently updated my lipstick and blush for Spring. My coloring has changed, and I needed to get something different than I normally wear. 

It is important to take a good look at ourselves, and evaluate if we need an update. I try to do this in the Spring and Fall.

I just found what I think is the perfect blush. Not just the color, but this stuff stays on all day into the night.

 I have never had a blush that stays on ALL day. For some reason my skin seems to drink up color. This stuff is amazing…….

Bare minerals READY BLUSH, it is a fairly new product, not a loose powder, but a compact that you can carry with you in your purse. This blush really has staying power. The color I purchased is Faux Pas. Love it!


This is an app for all of you who have a smart phone.

 This app allows you to take a picture of your food, and then the Eatery tracks, and analyzes your overall eating patterns to give you a big-picture breakdown of your strengths, weaknesses, and the best places to make a change.

It becomes a tracker of our good, and bad habits and will make us more aware of where we need to make some changes.


I don’t have any little one’s at home anymore, but when I saw this idea I thought it was worth sharing…….

This little clock turns yellow when it is time for your little one to get up and turns blue at bedtime. This helps in two ways, your child knows his routine and the clock is telling him/her to go to bed, not the parent. 

It will also help by keeping the child in bed until it turns yellow. Eventually your little one will also learn to tell time.

I just think this is a great little tool worth trying.

For you clever DIYers……….

Recycled DVD cases made into a travel art center!

Around the House

Old luggage sprayed all white to use as a night stand in a guest room. How clever!!

(Just a little FYI this particular pin is being pinned like crazy over on Pinterest!)

A rock glued to the top of an old pill bottle, and put in the ground somewhere in your yard that only YOU know about, and you have a key for the one time you lock yourself out of the house. 

Notice I said ONE time,because I am just sure none of you will ever lock yourself out twice.

 Spring Cleaning.........
Spring is here and it is time for Spring cleaning. Using baking soda and some lavender essential oil you can use your kitchen sifter to sift over the mattress.

Let it sit for about an hour and then vaccuum Voila, a clean mattress and one that smells fresh too!!

So there you have it dear readers! I hope your weekend is fun, productive or relaxing!

“Enjoy the Process!” Of:

Trying something new on the weekend!