Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Where Does YOUR Inspiration Come From?


If you were to ask ten different people where do they get their inspiration you might get an answer like…….

“Everywhere, I look everywhere for inspiration!!”

I think that is a safe answer, but I think it actually goes a little deeper than that.

In working with clients for over 30 years I have learned to watch their facial expressions, and body language when talking with them about design.

I have watched what makes my clients light up, or become inspired. Sometimes I will see that light turn on when I am describing a room to them, sometimes it is when they see a picture of a room, or an actual object.

On shopping trips when I show my client a possibility of an element for their room, they will either light up like a kid on Christmas morning, or look at it with a tilted head, as if to say, "It is Okay!Sometimes  they will glaze over as if to say, “Well, she is the designer so I guess it is a good piece.”

As a designer you always want your client to light up, and become inspired. It is important to understand body language, and your client in order to best serve them in the design of their room.

You as a homeowner also need to be in tune with what inspires YOU!. 

What makes you smile like a kid at Christmas when you see it? What draws you in to take a closer look? Basically what inspires you?!!

Are you inspired by color, texture, shape, pattern or style?

I would venture to say it is probably one, or two of the above words that  will first draw you in, or inspire you. 

Personally I am almost always drawn in by color first. Once I establish that I love the color I will then look at the pattern, and then the style of the object, or room.

I discovered this early on in my teen years when shopping with my Mom.

As the day would go on we would start to notice that everything we really liked, or were drawn too that day would be a particular color. It would be a blue day, a green day, or a yellow day. One color would stand out among all the others.

Have you ever noticed what draws you into a room design, or a particular an element in a room?

 Next time you go shopping stop, and think about what drew you to certain items.

You know how it is, you are walking throughout a store, and all of the sudden you see, “IT!” you immediately have to go and look at it closer. What was it that drew you in?

I have a friend that is always drawn in by the texture that is a room, or an element. If it has texture, and looks like it could tell a story she will be drawn to it.

Another friend  is drawn in by the color red! If it is red she will have to go over,  pick it up, and examine it!

Source: google.com via Julie on Pinterest

If I go shopping with another friend, she will inevitably be drawn in by the smooth gleaming texture of porcelain pieces.

Pattern is another element that will inspire people. One friend in particular is drawn in by anything paisley or plaid. Ralph Lauren is her man!! We all know how well Mr. Lauren uses plaids and paisleys.

What do you notice yourself being drawn in/inspired by, color, texture, shape, or style? I think if  you really stop and think about it you will be able to zero in on one of the above elements.

Once you discover what draws you in, you will have one or two of the key elements that is important for you to have in your interiors.

In all of the above images which key elements drew you in the most?

“Enjoy the Process!” Of:

Becoming inspired by: