Friday, February 3, 2012

Pumping Up My Spring Wardrobe On A DIME!!

I am so looking forward to Spring, and I am already adding a few pieces to my Spring wardrobe.

As it is in designing a room,  it is also a good idea to see what the trends and colors are in fashion.  Once you get enough information, then you can figure out a way to incorporate the colors or pieces you will like into your own wardrobe.

There are always  some fun, and inspiring things on Pinterest. I already told you about my one DIL who actually has a board for me on her Pinterest boards where she has pinned some really wonderful images  of wardrobe ideas for me.

I too, have a few pin boards for some personal friends, clients, and my two DIL’s!!

Today I got an email from one of my DIL’s, and she told me she  had found some really cute trendy accessories over at Forever 21. 

I know, I know, when you hear the words Forever 21 you automatically think of the younger set.

Don’t dismiss it so quickly, yes it caters toward the younger set, and yes the items are very inexpensive, but for passing trends why not shop there.

I do not profess to be a professional stylist or trendsetter, but I do read a lot of style blogs, and you would be surprised at how many styleista's will throw in a Forever 21 piece with a designer outfit, and look like a million. 

It pays to study images, and see how you can do the same look for less. Notice in the above image how you can put pieces together. I think this is a great example to follow. One  basic,classic,statement and one budget and/or trendy piece. This is a great formula.

Below you see two anchor necklaces. Same theme, same look, but slightly different. Would you rather pay $5.80 or $78.00? Which necklace do you think cost the most #1 or #2?


Statement necklaces are all the rage this season. If I am buying a classic piece I don’t mind spending good money, but if it is a trendy piece I do try to be reasonable by finding something less expensive.






All of these necklaces range in price from $6.80 to $178.00.

I will let you figure out which one you think cost the most!

Another way to make a statement in our wardrobes and pump them up a bit is with scarves.


 Sorry but I just got the biggest kick out of this image because she is wearing some of the hot colors for this spring. cobalt, Kelly green, and bright pink. This goes to show you that we can all try a little harder to stay current no matter what our age is.


 Wearing scarves are not just for the young as you can see in the above images. If you are not sure how to wear a scarf  take about four minutes to view the video I have pinned here on one of my pinterest boards.

Earlier today I saw where a fellow pinner had pinned an image from Tarjay declaring her love of their Spring scarves.

I did what any good shopper would do, and I hopped right over to Targets Website where I found 3 really cute scarves for my Spring/Summer wardrobe. Yes, I ordered them!!!

I love the way blogland works, one person sees something, mentions or pins it, and then another, and another.

I wonder if all of these stores realize how much free advertising they are getting from us bloggers/pinners?

I just had to share some of the fun finds I have found in cyberland. 

In this economy we all need to watch how much we spend. I just wanted to show you all a post that shows what I think are some fun pieces to add to our Spring wardrobe that won't break the bank. 

Now can you tell me which necklaces you think cost the higher prices?
Let me know in the comments, and I will see how many of you get the answers right! I will let you all know my findings in the next post..

“Enjoying the Process!” Of:

Adding some of your favorite colors to your Spring wardrobe with some fun new pieces!
