Wednesday, September 28, 2011



There will be a brief intermission in regular programing due to upcoming exciting events!!! I will be entertaining two blogging friends for the next five days. We will be seeing the sites in California such as San Francisco, Carmel, Napa valley and Mill Valley/ Muir woods. We will also be going to the Alameda Pointe antique flea market!!! Lots of fun is about to ensue!!!

I am so excited to see these two ladies! One I have never met, but we have been corresponding for almost three years. The other lovely lady is a blogger, and we have been together twice when I went back to North Carolina to meet her, and two other blogging friends.

I will try to take lots of pictures and tell you all about it in the upcoming week. SO............

intermission 02
I will be back In five days, and then I will be back to blogging at my normal pace with exciting details!!!

I will be, “Enjoying the Process” of:

Visiting with two very special ladies,
