Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Softer Side Of Fall

Are any of you like me in that you  prefer a softer look for Fall? We all appreciate going into a warm and welcoming home, and nothing does the job better than Fall colors.

I think Fall can have a softer side too it, and I thought I would show you all a group of images that evoke the softer side of Fall…………

You can even dress  in a softer look for Fall. I am a very lucky lady to have a very talented DIL. She has an amazing flare for styling both for homes and in wardrobes. I asked her to put together an outfit that evoked a soft side of Fall and this is what she pulled together for me………….

I would totally wear this amazing outfit for the Fall!!! If you would like to see more of her creations you can visit her here:

Now that you have seen how you can create a softer look for Fall do you think you will go to the softer side instead of the traditional autumnal colors?

I know I sure will!! Now I need to find a pair of boots like the one’s pictured above!!!

“Enjoy the Process!” Of:

Decorating and Dressing with a softer look.
