Sunday, August 7, 2011

My Answer To Friday’s Question Of The Day!!

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Fridays Question of the day was basically asking how do we know when we are making a wise purchase for our homes? How do we know what will have longevity?

We have all been taught that if we buy  a classic piece it will have longevity because it has stood the test of time. That is all well and fine, but what if you don’t like any of the classics? Will it have longevity in your own life? I personally say No!!


I believe it is always good to study, and explore all different types of design. I think this is very important to do if you are just starting out in the creation of your home.

If you are only exposed to a small portion of design choices you will truly never be able to expand, and know what good design is. Always keep in mind that good design will be subjective. What one person love's, another person will find distasteful to their design aesthetics.


What was once the new kid on the block can quickly become the latest has-been!!


We as consumer’s, in this economy must make our purchases carefully. When working with my clients I always spent a great deal of time analyzing what they truly loved, not what they thought they should love because they had seen it in someone’s home, or in a magazine. I tried to get to the core of their design personality. Then and only then would I make a suggestion on a purchase for their home.


If I had to talk in generalities I would say we all should take a good look at our homes every 7-10 years to give it new life and freshen it up.This can be done with paint, and maybe some new accessories. Worn items should be replaced, and outdated items need to be re-purposed, or replaced.


I will make the suggestion that you keep your main pieces such as sofa’s and chairs in a neutral. This neutral does not necessarily mean beige, but it could be a color that you love, and have always loved in your home. A  color that can mix easily with the addition of different color and patterns over time can be a neutral no matter what the hue is. In my own home blues and greens can be my neutral. I have found these two colors go well with all the colors that I enjoy working with.


I recently helped a friend with her living room, and her neutral is a beautiful soft blue. Another client of mine loves red, and has loved this color her whole life, so red is her neutral. See how it works?


Study the classics, by reading  design books  and going to museums. Look at the silhouette of the pieces. Study the lines of the furniture. Keep those silhouettes in mind when you go shopping. Modern day manufactures will often use the classic lines to make our furniture pieces for today.


Bottom line is…….. If you love it, and have loved it for more than 5-6 years it can become your own personal classic. My best advice is to be honest with yourself about what you truly love and stick with it. Try not to let the marketplace, or a friend, or even a designer sway you. If you do become swayed, you will inevitably choose a piece of furniture that  will give you regrets within two years or less.

  • Purchase what you love! 
  • Purchase the best quality your can afford.
  • Purchase your main pieces in a neutral.

Thank you to all of you who generously gave your opinions in the comments. I think all of your comments will truly help this reader!

“Enjoy the Process!” Of:

Discovering your own personal classics!!
