Friday, August 5, 2011

Friday’s Question of The Day!?

Today’s question is one that I know we have all wanted to know the answer too……….

I see blogs that say “don’t fall for trends, go for classics.”  But just what is considered classic?  Who decides that?  How does something remain “timeless”; what is “timeless” in terms of interior design and home décor?

One blogger has said “brown sofas are out, done, done, done but gray is timeless.”  And just last week this same blogger said, don’t paint your walls shades of gray all over your house; mix it up.   Alrighty then.

And I believe the adage, choose what you love.  But falling in love with some “thing” can change, even with a big purchase, like a sofa.  So, knowing that, I can end up with ‘analysis paralysis”!

So now it is up to YOU my dear readers! Leave your answers in the comments. Remember we are a community of like minded people. This forum is open to everyone and it can help us all.

Let the answering begin……..

Remember to email any questions you would like addressed in a post on Fridays…
Email me at:
subject: Friday’s Question