Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday’s QUESTION Of The Day!!!

Today we have a really good question from a reader. This one is really going to make you think! I know it really made me think. It is something that I think all of us designer-types struggle with from time to time.
This reader wrote:
Hi Kathysue! I love your new series. I have a question...not sure if it is appropriate for your series, but it is something I really struggle with.  What do you do when you've spent so much time and money on your house, only to he sick of it a little while later? And adding fresh flowers or rearranging the furniture just doesn't do it. I have the remodel itch all the time....I tell my husband it is an occupational hazard, but really, it's going to put us in the poorhouse! I wonder of others experience this, and what they do about it?

I told you it was a good question!! Very thought provoking, isn’t it?
I was going to give my answer in this post, but I am going to start giving my answer on the Round up post that I will be posting on Sunday. I don’t want what I have to say to influence any of your answers.
I can not wait to read your answers in the comments!!
