Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Sliding Boxes!!!

Do you remember playing the sliding number game when you were a kid?


I remember playing it on long car trips. It was such a challenge to move the numbers around so you could slide the numbers into proper sequence. 
Why am I talking about a sliding number game on my blog that has to do with design?

Well, that is what I feel like I have been playing for the last week in my garage. 
Yes! I have been cleaning my garage and all I seem to be able to do is slide one box out to slide another one in its place. Too say I am frustrated would be an understatement.

We have lived in our home for over 32 years so there has not been the great big purge that we all do when we move from one house to another. I have purged some, had a couple of garages sales along the way, but nothing of any great significance. Nothing that ever seemed to really make a big difference in its appearance.

I will confess I have way too many things and way too many boxes. I am purging, but obviously not enough because there is no more room at the inn.

I have purged, categorized, labeled, compartmentalized and now for the hard part….. finding room for all the boxes. The sliding box game begins.

I  am not going to show you any horrible BEFORE images, trust me they are horrible. Nor will I be showing any glowingly beautiful AFTER images. I just needed to tell you all, my dear readers! I feel over whelmed!!!

Do you get this way when you are trying to accomplish something, and in the middle of it you realize  all your hard work really did not make a big difference?

I have looked at organized garages, and to be frank, they don’t have a lot of stuff like I do, in fact they have very little. I am beginning to think those that have organized garages have attic space or basement space where they hide all their boxes of stuff!! I am a pretty logical gal so trust me, I know I need to get rid of more stuff!!

Am I the only one with a dirty, cluttered garage or are there more of you out there?

If I could have a dream come true garage it would look like this………….

Source: via Kathy Sue on Pinterest

Only in my dreams!!

This is one time I can truly say I am NOT…..

“Enjoying the Process!!”

BTW: My post, "Back to Basics," is being featured over at, " House of Fifty," blog today.