Thursday, July 14, 2011

Simple Can Be Pretty!!

I have talked about how I would rather have one simple real flower in a bud vase than a bouquet of faux flowers. I know there are two camps on this issue. I just can’t buy faux flowers for my home.

I know many will argue that they can not arrange a lovely arrangement, and that is why they purchase the pre-made faux floral arrangements. It does not have to be complicated to be beautiful. Just think of a beautiful white rose in a bud vase, simple and elegant.

I think putting the right flower in the right vase is key. I have a group of images that I have saved that I titled simple flowers.

They are simple in design and yet they are so stunning in their own right.
I am going to share some of the images that have taught me that simple is beautiful and also very doable……….
This appears to be two branches of a bougainvillea in a simple cobalt blue jar. Look at the composition. The beautiful blue washed wall and the soft patina of the fretwork. Simple, elegant and lovely. Using the right color combination made two branches of a garden flower become a gorgeous still life!!

Three matching shapes with different textures each holding a very simple flower from the yard and yet it makes a wonderful statement. Any one could pick up three white vases and put flowers in them. Simple is beautiful!!

This is a wonderful example of looking at the wall color and adding just the right color combination in front of it. One simple tulip in a simple bright yellow vase. It made me take pause, how about you?

We all have jars!!! These are filled with water and greenery from the yard. No cost,simple and beautiful.

This image is a great example of using just the right color combination. It is so soft and lovely and the  ruffled petals on the peonies are echoed in the soft ruffle on the curtain. Are you starting to see how the composition is more than the vase and the flower, it is everything that surrounds it.

For those of you that enjoy a little texture this is a wonderful combination of a lacy filler. When any arrangement is done in en masse it makes a wonderful statement.

These are kumquats, but I think it would be beautiful with any greenery from outside. Again, a no cost arrangement.

Using complimentary colors like blue and yellow make a stand-out arrangement.

Since it is summer I have to leave you with this adorable bunch of strawberries in a simple glass.

Do you bring in branches and greenery from your yard? What is your favorite combination? Do you have a fun and different container that is always a favorite to use? I think I would have to say my green and white striped pitcher has become a favorite of mine.
flowers 004 (600x800)
Even empty with fresh produce surrounding it, it still makes a nice composition.

I hope this post has inspired you to think of all the possibilities you have in your own home to add a simple natural element like flowers in a simple vase for the summer.

“Enjoy The Process” Of:

Bringing a bit of nature inside!
