Saturday, April 9, 2011

Inside Out, why Not?

I know that our weather has been a bit odd this year to say the least. Even with the odd weather we are all getting little glimpses of the promise of Spring.
I am looking forward to spending time outside working in my flower beds and sitting outside with candlelight and the sound of water splashing in my fountains.

Outside areas are looking more and more like inside areas of our homes thanks to so many beautiful weather resistant materials that are now on the market.
I  have a few images that are inspiring me to bring more inside elements outside these days……..

Mark Lohman Photography (304x400)
Mark Lohman Photography

Every time I see this image I want to find a console table to put in my backyard. I have a large lattice wall on the side of my pool area that I think this idea would look amazing.

This is last year right after it was built. It has weathered and the vines are a bit larger. I think a console table would look great right in the middle with a wonderful zinc mirror hanging on the post  don’t you?

Something else I would like to work on is our gate. It is not worth showing right now since it is just a plain redwood 6ft gate. I think something more interesting would be fun. Here is an image that caught my attention…..

gate (550x655)
I love this gate I think it would be fun to have a mirror in the panels to reflect our pool. I use mirrors outside, in fact I have three in my backyard. One on the great wall that I want to replace for a zinc framed mirror, and two round mirrors on my back fence as pictured below.

Backyard, family room, kitchen, masterbath 029
Backyard, family room, kitchen, masterbath 023
Backyard, family room, kitchen, masterbath 028
This one is the most fun to watch because the birds take a bath in the bird bath and then they think they are seeing another bird in the mirror and they just peck away.

 All our beautiful ivy had to be removed because it was literally over 3ft deep and pulling on the fence. It is pretty barren right now but I see growth already and I am keeping my fingers crossed that it will come back quickly.

I have another image that is very  intriguing to me and I am trying to figure out a place to use it.
untitled (640x480)
This is just a small little terrace and they have made it look larger and also cozy by the use of mirrors. I love the addition of the shutters. I have these mirrored doors in my dining room inside my home.

christmas dining room 2010 010 (800x600)
Here they are at Christmas this year.
I love the idea of using them outside also. I just have to figure out where?!
Do any of you have mirrors on the outside of your home?

Just a few ideas that I am thinking about for this years projects. Do you all have any fun ideas planned for your yards this year?

“Enjoy  the Process” Of:

Bringing ideas that look like they are for the inside to your outside areas.
