Monday, March 14, 2011

What Is Your Editing Style?

I recently did  a post on “A Place For Your Eyes to Rest!” In this post I talked about how important it is too be in touch with how many patterns and colors you have going on in a room. I emphasized the point that you will need a place of neutral color and no patterns in which to rest the eye in a room.

phoebe howard (716x537)
Phoebe Howard

This really does boil down to your style of editing. I have been told that my home is well edited by some friends that have visited here.

It made me think about how I go through the editing process. First, I realized that it is very important to be in tune with what you love and how much “stuff” you can tolerate in a room.

suzanne kasler (460x360)
Suzanne Kasler
I remember reading a story once about a well known designer (whose name escapes me now so I will not be name dropping) who purchased a beach house.
 She vowed to herself that she was NOT going to clutter up this new fresh white space with her collections and vignettes as she had done in her previous homes.

via simply seleta (556x387)
via Simply Seleta 

At first she was enjoying the sparse new fresh look, but then, after about six months she found herself going to the still packed boxes to bring out some of her beloved collections. She then realized she was not the type to live without collections and “stuff” in her enviroment.

collections (400x300)
untitled (325x397)

I think that is a very important illustration from which to learn from. I believe you must stay in-tune to what you truly love and incorporate it into your home. I believe that will be the first step to being a good editor in your own home.

For me personally, I have to have "a place for everything and everything in its place."  Remember that saying that all of our Mom’s chanted?

house beautiful phoebe howard well edited (360x460)
Phoebe Howard

There is a real fine line that I am totally aware of when it becomes, “Just TOO Much” for my eye and brain to take in.

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Styled by Sherry Hart from Design Indulgence blog

I read a long time ago that if you love something and are drawn to it, you should buy it and take it home and you will find a place for it. I know most people are of that school of thought and I love that they buy with their heart and find such treasures.

I will say this, I am drawn to elements with my heart, but and I do mean a big BUT, as soon as I am drawn to an element I start the editing process in my mind right then and there.

I immediately think of my home and where I will add this new found love in my home. If I cannot place it strategically in the perfect spot or even in two or three spots. I will pass it by. I am sure I have left many treasures behind, but because of this editing process that I go through, I believe that is why visitors say my home is well edited.

I realize that "more is more" is a philosophy that many hold on to and I applaud you for keeping that in mind when you purchase with your heart. But, for this girl her editing starts before she ever brings it home!!

How do you edit? Are you aware of how much is too much for your eyes and brain? Do you purchase with your heart and find a place for your new found treasure no matter what?
I would love to know how you all edit!!

“Enjoy the Process!” Of:

Discovering your editing style.
