Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What Should I Paint The Letter “P?”

Opinions Wanted Please!!

I have been sharing the progress of my playroom for awhile now. It is still in progress, but moving steadily along.
My most recent purchase was the big two foot letter “P.”

Playroom In Progress 004 (800x600) 
As you can see it is yellow. I love yellow, but not in this particular room. When I ordered the P I knew I would be painting it.

Here are the main fabrics that will determine how the P should be painted.
PLAYROOM fabric combos boy girl 004 (600x800) PLAYROOM fabric combos boy girl 010 (800x600)

I have a couple of ideas and thought I would pass them by you all to see what your opinions are. In blog land we all love to give our opinions!!

Sorry that the pictures are blurry, but these are the only letters I could find with stripes and I needed to show you examples.

Option #1:
Simple and all white

White front and navy edges

Option #3:
White with horizontal stripes in navy but wider than these stripes.
untitled (144x174) (144x174)

Option #4:
White and navy stipes on  the diagonal, again with wider stripes.
angle (194x259)

Option #5:
White and Navy vertical stripes.( Sorry I could not find a P only a B!)
These stripes are more accurate of the width I would use.
vertical (96x96)

Or do you have another option for me that you would like to suggest?

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Finding the perfect option to paint my letter “P!”
