Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Year Of The Purge!!

In the Chinese Zodiac calendar, it is the year of the rabbit!

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In Kathysue’s Zodiac calendar and daily calendar, it is going to be the year of the PURGE!!!
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I have lived in the same home for 33 years!! Yikes!! Needless to say I have lots of “ STUFF.”

Some of my STUFF is worth keeping and some of it is not.

I am going to go through my home this year and clean out. I no longer have enough space to put away the things I need to put away without, what seems like, moving the world.

In order for me to get started I have to have the rest of my home, the part that can be seen by me or a vistor, in order. (In other words, not what is behind closed doors, the closets!) That is where I start.  The Dreaded Closets!!!

As I have told you before, I have to have a general plan of attack. Of course this can change at any given moment.
 After all, I am a creative soul and I can get sidetracked very easily. When I am doing anything, I look at it from the perspective of how I can make it look pretty too. ( This is a blessing and a curse at times)

Let’s start:

Get the house picked up!!!

Clean out the most used areas first!
  • pantry
  • fridge
  • laundry room
I have already straightened out the pantry and the fridge.

 Today it is on to the laundry room or the “PIT” which is what I like to call it.

The Laundry Room:

My laundry room is very small 5ft 8in.x 6ft.4in, not big enough by anyone’s standards.

The laundry room does have a closet that is as wide as the 5ft 8in wall and is 20in. deep. This is where I hide/throw all my little pretties. You know, the vases, dishes ,table linens etc.

You name it and it is in there-everything but towels and bed linens. I find that they get musty smelling from the humidity from the washer and dryer.

I am not sure that images are necessary, but I think pictures might hold me accountable to getting it done.

 I also think the condition of my small room might just make you feel better about your own laundry room.

So here is part of the ugly truth:

Half of my staging closet………

Laundry room 2011 001 (600x800)
top half

Laundry room 2011 002 (600x800)

This is only half, so you can see I have a lot of unorganized stuff that needs to be purged.

Next my utility shelf where I keep my cleaning rags and cleaning supplies etc.

Laundry room 2011 003 (600x800)
 I have tried to utilize every inch of space, but it is not a pretty site at all!!! I want it all to look "pretty!"

I don’t need to show you my dirty laundry, literally, or the washer and dryer. I know you know what that looks like.

This room has not been painted since we moved in 33 years ago.

Wow!! I just feel like I made a confession. Maybe this purging process will be a good one!!!

To be continued………

Will you join me in the
“The Year of The PURGE?!”

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Purging, Cleaning and Beautifying


Don't forget TODAY is the last day to sign up for the giveaway. Winner will be announced Tomorrow morning.