Sunday, January 2, 2011

Layers,Changes and An Announcement!!

One of the many things I think we share in blog land is the need for inspiration and change!!

With the beginning of the New Year our minds wander into the thinking process of, "What will I do this year?"

I don't make any resolutions per say. However, I do think about what I want to start doing in this wonderful gift of a new year in my life.

I look at my life as having many layers.
The first layer is the most important to me and it is the layer that is my core, my spirit, my soul.

This belongs to God and I know if I keep my focus on HIM and not on myself and my concerns, He will guide me. It might not always be the direction I think I want to go, but it is His plan and His plan is perfect.
I usually spend my New Years Eve at home quietly like most evenings. The one thing I always do is to pray the New Year, "IN!"

I never want to start out anything new without God at the helm.

The other layer is concerning my family and the love I have for them. Oh, how I love them and that is never going to change. Family is the one consistent thing besides God in my life.

Friendship! I am so blessed to have a wonderful circle of lady friends that play a wonderful part in my life. I call many of them soul-sisters because our friendship goes deeper than just the things we have in common.

Obviously this blog and my love for home and design is another layer. This is where I do make changes and I do look forward to doing things more efficiently and creatively.

I am so glad I discovered blogging and can share my thoughts and inspirations with you all. I also take great pleasure in visiting your blogs and getting inspired to make changes.

I am looking forward to a fun New Year on my blog. Tomorrow is my," One Year Blogaversary!" It is hard to believe an entire year has gone by and I have written 289 post.

I never in a million years would have thought I had so much to say. (My husband had no doubt in my ability to talk and express my opinions, if you know what I mean?!)

Since it is a special day tomorrow  I thought it would be fun to do a Giveaway on my blog.

 Come back tomorrow and help me celebrate!!

Kathysue is still....

"Enjoying the Process"

I hope YOU are too?!!