Sunday, November 28, 2010

Vintage Isn’t Old They are New Again!!

I don’t know about you all, but I love vintage ornaments. I think ornaments and decorations can give a fun fresh look when done right. They are always so colorful and the shapes are so interesting. Especially the delicate glass ornaments that were made in Germany.

Since I am a 1950’s child I have some fond family memories attached to some particular Christmas decorations.  Do you remember these????……..

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Funky aluminum stars with lights, but they were the big lights not the small ones like the lights pictured here.

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The tree was covered with the large multi-colored lights and of course the fascinating bubble lights.

My Grandpa use to always say, “Don’t touch those. They will burn you!”

I touched them anyhow and I never got burned!!! That was my naughty girl behavior, but I made sure I had on my nice behavior before Santa arrived.

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These little cardboard houses always had snow sprinkles and glitter on them. The light went in the hole in the back.
 I use to lay on my tummy at my Grandparents home and pretend that little Christmas people lived inside the little houses that were placed on cotton batting with sprinkles of multi-colored glitter and sometimes angel hair.

The tree was always a fresh tree and it had silver tinsel covering its limbs.

My husband actually remembers having to put it on one by one so when Christmas was over they could take it off and use it for the next year. Oh my! I am glad that tradition skipped my family!!! Yikes!!

I have a collection of vintage ornaments ranging from the 1930’s to the 1970’s. My very first vintage ornaments were the ornaments my mom and my husband’s mom gave us that were on their very first tree in the late 1940’s. Those sweet memories now hang on my very own family tree every year!

One year for Christmas I did a tree for my dining room that I called my Grandma,Grandpa tree. I used all the vintage ornaments and put up an aluminum star, bubble lights, tinsel and the little houses underneath sitting on batting. It really brought back sweet memories.

Do any of you have vintage ornaments? How do you display yours?

On tomorrow's post I will show you one of the ways I displayed my vintage ornaments last year. Be sure and come back!!

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Making something new again by displaying it in an updated fresh look!!


Holiday Hint:

Pick up vintage ornaments at local thrift stores and flea markets to start your own collection.

Don’t wait to display them until you have enough for a tree full! Add them right along with your existing ornaments for a fun and colorful display!!