Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How Do You Like Your Candles?

How do you like your candles might seem like a strange question, but I think after you read this post it might make more sense.

I have a pet peeve when it comes to candles. I was talking to a good friend the other day and we both agreed on this issue.

I love candles and I use them in my home all the time. So what problem could I have with candles. Wellllll, let me show you………..

1 (383x344)Woodland Creatures???? Seriously???
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I ask you, “How attractive is it to see a woodland creature, soldier, rocking horse or sweet doves melt right before your eyes.

Did any of you see the movie The House of Wax with Vincent Price? If you did not see it, trust me it is not pleasant to see wax that has been formed into the form of a living being and then melt right before your eyes!!

Okay maybe I am being a bit dramatic, but I really do not like candles in any shape other than, pillars, columns, or tapers.

The other little peeve I have is when candles are displayed, but never lit. I remember Martha Stewart saying you should always have a candle wick blackened from use if it is on display. So ladies light those candles and blow it out if you must, but make it looked like it was used.

I love, love candles in what I like to consider the more traditional form……..
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martha (360x450)
martha2 (360x450)
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There is also an ongoing debate on whether to use colored tapers or all white. I like both. I think the white can look classic and the color can look young and fresh. My friend Eddie Ross always does such amazing table settings using colored tapers. I always get so inspired by his talent. Here are a few of his gorgeous tables using colored tapers……….

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Sooooooo!!! Would you rather have this…………..
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……………… Or
beeswax (480x640)
I rest my case!

"Enjoy the Process" Of:

Using your candles and enjoying them!
